Because Of Me

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Chapter 3.

At Cameron's house...

Ally's P.O.V 

I got to cam's house and knoked his door, and there was a crying Cameron. I felt soo bad for him and i know that this is all my falut, and i know that he wont for give me but once i tell him he might i guess i still have hope for that right? I know he is crying cuz he thinks that i like somone else but im not talking about that i have to tell him the truth today, not only him but the whole Jessie cast.... 

Ally: Can I come in?

Cameron: Y-yeah...

Cameron's P.O.V 

After what I said to Ally i ran home and cried my eyes! Yes I know your going to that but ur a guy, guy's dont cry but we r talking about Ally here, and she means more than anything to me in this entier world. And I would do anything to keep her happy, but when she told me that she liked somone else i couldent take i had to leave i didnt want her to see me cry.

Sorry it's short but its almost summer and im going to be continuing it in summer thx love u guys xoxo

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