I think I love you

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I was on youtube listening to music and I wasn't paying attention but a song came on that caught my attention "Oh no I think i'm catching feelings and I don't know" and I looked down at my phone and it said "Snapchat:Ryan(bff" I opened snapchat and opened his snap
I smiled but soon after I got off snapchat then he texted me
Me:What do you want Ryan?
Ryan🤪:Lily why'd you leave school?
Me:Because I didn't want to be there
Ryan🤪:You always want to be there...
Me:Well not today
Ryan🤪:I'm coming to pick you up and we're going to watch a movie like we usually do on Friday's
Ryan🤪:See you in a bit
Ryan's p.o.v
Something was up with my best friend but I didn't know what but I was going to get to the bottom of this..but if it's something bad like someone's bullying her I swear i'll hurt someone for her..I love her..no..yeah I love her she's my best friend.
Ryan gets to my house and I go outside dressed in sweat pants and a sweatshirt and he looks at me when I get in his car and he smiles and shakes his head I put my seatbelt on and we head to the movies. We get there in 20 minutes and we get our tickets and our popcorn with drinks. Then we go into the theater and go to sit down we were watching a scary movie Ryan's favorite. I say there til a scary part and I jumped a bit and Ryan grabbed my hand and my heart was beating pretty fast and I looked down at our hands then I pull mine away and move in my seat a bit and watch the rest of the movie. We get back to his car and it's dark I get in his car then he gets in but he doesn't start the car. "Why did you pull your hand away?" he asked "I..I felt weird..I mean Alexis will probably get mad.." I tell him and he says "Forget about Alexis Lily damn" and I say "No because as long as she has you I can't..." he looks at me and says "What did you say?" then I realized what I said then said "Nothing..." and he says sternly "Just tell me what you said." then I stutter trying to say it again "N..no because as long as she has you...I can't..." and his expression lightened up and I looked down and then he says "Why not?" and I go to say something and I try to stop but it comes out anyway "Because Ryan I fucking love you..." then he turns my face up to him and says "Say that again" and I say "I said I fucking love you Ryan..." and he says "Well guess what...Alexis broke up with me today." I ask "How does that have to do with anything...oh" and he says "Yeah...Lily I love you too..I always have"

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