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Natsu's Pov: I sighed laying my head down on the table that I was sitting at. That damn season was coming again and nobody else ,except for us dragonslayers, knows about it. Not even Lucy or Levy know about it. Everybody was getting worried about us, so we kept saying that we were fine and that it was just a stomach flu. Wendy was lucky she didn't have to deal with Mating Season yet. She was too young to start it. But me, Laxus, Gajeel, Sting, Rogue, and Cobra all had to deal with this for 3 months. 3 Months!! That was way too long. But like I was saying before, nobody knew about this season except for us dragonslayers. My heart was on one certain ice mage:Gray. 

"Hey flame brain! Come fight me!!" Gray shouted to me. I groaned as I sat up and looked at him with a death glare and a frown on my face. "No way, ice breath. I am not in the mood." I said angrily to him. Everybody gasped as I said that. They started to mumble and whisper about me and the others. "What? All I said was that I didn't wanted to fight Gray." 

"Yeah. What's really wrong, Natsu? You always want to fight Gray. Not to mention, but you and the other dragon slayers except for Wendy have been acting really weird to some of the other guild mates. What the heck is wrong so we can find out and solve it?" Lucy asked, quite annoyed. She was so annoying so I asked if she could keep it a secret. She nodded and I whispered what was going on. 'Dragon mating season starts in 5 days.' She gasped and then ran to master's office. She didn't come out for a while and when she did, she was with master and he looked like he was about to kill someone. "Nastu, Laxus, and Gajeel, in my office, NOW!!" He yelled. We covered our ears from bleeding. Me and the other dragon slayers made our way to Master's office and he slammed the door behind us. "Why didn't you guys tell me when it first happened?" He asked quite annoyed. "I don't know. Maybe because I didn't want to." Laxus said.

Laxus's POV: The old man gave us a 20 min lecture while we were just standing there, looking at him like he was crazy. When he finally let us out, he jumped on the balcony and shouted "Children!! I have some very bad news!" The guild started to mumble about what the news could be. "Dragon mating season is in 5 days. So Dragon slayers will need to go someplace else for 3 months. Until then, nobody is to get near the dragon slayers." We groaned and started to walk out of the guild as the others, except Gray, The thunder legion, and Wendy, started to throw things at us. Thank goodness we were able to get out in one piece. Me and Gajeel started to separate from Natsu as we started to make our way to the apartment we shared together. He was starting to shake a little and kinda looked nervous about something. "Hey gajeel, what's up? Why do you look so nervous?" I asked. He jumped and had tears threatening to fall. "It's nothing, lightning rod." I gave him the 'you kidding me?' face.  He just kept sniffing and trying to hold back tears that were about to fall. Finally he broke. Tears were falling down his face like a waterfall and he fell to his knees and sobbed. Looking at him like this was heartbreaking for me, especially when I have a mate who doesn't know I love him. I pick him up child style and carry him to our apartment. I set him down on the couch and started to comfort him. He calmed down a little and started to do something unexpected: He hugged me and was starting to fall asleep. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I tried to pull Gajeel off but he was attached to me like a cat. "Come in. The door is unlocked." I said to the person outside. They open the door and to my surprise, it was Freed. "Hello Laxus, Gajeel." "What are you doing here Freed? I thought you were at the guild with the others ." Gajeel said. "It was getting too loud for me. So I left the guild. By the way, what happened in Master's office?" "The old man decided to lecture our sensitive ears off for 20 minutes. Barely heard anything he was saying because of his yelling." Gajeel explained. "That makes sense." Freed said. 

"Well yeah. But I think that maybe there might be a reason why he lectured us about shit. I somehow heard him say that we should only have female mates because he is anti-gay. That kinda made me mad on the inside considering that I have a mate and they are a male." them looked shocked and kinda disappointed at the same time. "I hope you and your mate have a good time" Freed says with tears bricking his eyes. "Come here Freed." I say in calm voice. "And close the door on your way over here." Freed obeys, closing the door and walking to me and Gajeel. "What is it, Laxus?"


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