The Oracion seis (and more of Fairy tail)

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While the chaos at Fairy Tail was just beginning, The Oracion seis was dealing with their own dragon slayer being all grumpy. Cobra was acting grumpier than usual and he wouldn't talk to anyone at all. Angel and Midnight were the first to notice Cobra's strange behavior, and they tried talking to him, but with no avail. He just wouldn't budge. Angel asked her sister, Yukino, if she knew anything about this. But her sister said the same thing had happened to Sting and Rogue, and that she had recently gotten word from Fairy Tail about the same thing. Angel was starting to get so confused about everything. Midnight had a better idea. He contacted the 7 dragons and asked them if they knew anything about this and they did. Midnight was shocked by what the response was. "They are experiencing their mating season, since it is in 5 days. So they aren't looking for their mates just YET. But once it is one day before mating season, marks will appear on the dragon slayer's mates body." Midnight was quick to inform Sabertooth, Fairy Tail, and the others(except for Cobra). He also let Raven Tail know about this, since there could be a possibility of a dragon slayer in their guild. 

Back at Fairy Tail, things were going nuts. And by nuts, I mean insane! Lucy was trying to hit on Natsu, in hopes of being his mate and Natsu was disgusted by this. "Lucy, just leave me alone,will ya?? You're not my mate, so shut it!!" Natsu yelled out. "But Natsu, you're suppose to have a female mate, because Master said so!" Lucy yelled back. After that she was shocked at the words that came out of Natsu's mouth after that:" Lucy, I'm gay." She slapped him and ran to the guild master's office fake crying. "Tch" Natsu was about to leave when Master Makoravs voice could be heard. "NATSU DRAGNEEL, YOU GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW AND APOLOGIZE FOR MAKING LUCY CRY. YOU WILL BE HER MATE AND THAT'S FINAL!!!" Natsu was now trying to hold back tears himself and yelled "No!! Can't you just accept me for who I am? I..I...I love Gray, okay!!!" With that, Natsu ran out crying real tears and not looking back. Gray stood up trying to stop Natsu, but it was too late. Natsu was already running out the guild and not looking back. Lucy and some of the rest of the guild laughed at him. "How pathetic. He just runs off like the crybaby bitch he is." Gray looks at her with anger, fury, and madness in his eyes. "Honestly Lucy, you calling Natsu a 'pathetic crybaby' is the pot calling the kettle black isn't it? He ran because you keep pushing him around. You just need to keep your bitchy attitude to yourself." Gray says with confidence to a laughing, now fuming, Lucy. "Fine. Then I'll tell Juvia that you love her in 'that' way and she would just loveeeeee that." Juvia, who was overhearing what Lucy just said, came out of the shadows and said to Lucy "Lucy, I hate to break it to you, but I don't love Gray that way anymore. He told me that he didn't want to be with me and that was just fine." She turns to Gray. "Gray, you should go after Natsu. He needs you." Gray nods and turns around to go after Natsu.

At the Raven tail guild, things weren't going so good either. As stated above, Midnight had told Raven tail, Sabertooth, and Fairy tail what was going on with the dragon slayers, also thinking that there could be a dragon slayer in their guild. Turns out, he was right. Kurohebi, also known as "Black Snake" was secretly a first generation darkness dragon slayer(And no, it is not the same as the shadow dragon slayer). He knew he was one, but was scared to say it to anyone, except for Flare. She was the only one he could actually trust and thought that she should have been the Raven Tail guild master, not that awful man that they had to call 'Master'. Ivan Dreyar, the master of Raven Tail, was proud to have been the master of his guild. But he got this weird feeling from Kurohebi and Flare as if they were glaring at him behind his back. When the mating season came along, Ivan knew about it, but he didn't think that Kurohebi would be a dragon slayer until the day that dragon slayers began acting up in weird ways. Kurohebi only wanted to talk to Flare and Flare alone. So one day, Ivan call Kurohebi into his office to find out what the hell was wrong with Kurohebi. "Kurohebi!! In my office, now!!!" Kurohebi didn't know what Ivan(He would never call Ivan 'master') wanted to know, but as Kurohebi walked into his office, he instantly regret going in. Ivan was sitting at his desk with his arms crossed and his face showing disgust and anger. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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