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//"God is gonna have to kill me twice"\\

"I am such an idiot."

Jeremy huffed as he stomped in the wet dirt of the forest, his cape the only thing covering him from the surprise downfall of rain. He doesn't even know why he decided to walk into an unknown forest late in the night, oh yeah the crystal. The goddamn crystal. To be honest, he lost the man a long while ago. He was trying to guess where the man was but he couldn't even see anymore cause of the annoying rain and the now dense trees making it hard for the moonlight to shine through. He yawned, looking around to only see nothing but a sea of trees. Groaning, he continued to walk forward, only to stop and hear a loud snap of branches. He slowly turned around. Eyes stared at him as the beast growled lowly, the wolves savage teeth baring at him. Jeremy gulped before running the opposite way of the wolf, only to hear maybe more come and chase him. He couldn't help but scream a bit as he made his way through the forest. The echos of barks getting closer to him, making Jeremy freak out more. He felt a slight tug onto his cape, looking back he sees that it was caught on a rock.

Jeremy tugged at the cloth, the steps of the gang of beast getting louder and the pants also going faster. He tugged harder before it finally released from the rocks. However, the force of his pull was hard, giving him a knock back. He fell, his head hitting on a passing branch before passing out onto the forest floor.


Jeremy slowly opened his eyes, the first colour to hit his eyes were purple.

"Not this shit show again," he muttered before realizing he just talked. None of the water surrounding him clouded his lungs, just air? This made no sense anymore. His theories were correct, he was dreaming. That means, once he wakes up, he'll be back in Middle Borough. The REAL Middle Borough. No king, no magic, no ocean! Just his happy normal life. Well not happy, he's gonna have to deal with more problems after the SQUIP's...death?

He looked around. Down below was looked to be glass as up above was more of a lighter purple, maybe towards the light. Now knowing from movies and books, if he goes either way, something bad is bound to happen. The light can result in him leaving the real world permanently, down below might be his worst nightmare. It wasn't pitch black though, it was glass.

"Maybe," he whispered as he began swimming to the glass bottom. It wasn't long before he actually hit the bottom. He stared at the glass, nothing was there, just more of the violet hue. He turned to see a sign.

ssalg eht pat t'nod

Not knowing what it says, he looked back to the glass. Jeremy gulped as he put his hand ontop of the reflective sheet, giving it a little tap. Nothing happened. He waited just for a little bit more before attempting to go back up to the light. However his reflection popped up, more clearer now like there is an actual person there. Yet this reflection was different. Mirror Jeremy had bluer eyes, fangs, and some sort of sharks tail. Jeremy looked before choking out some sort of sound that he didn't even know. Mirror Jeremy tilted his head.

"Um... who. Who are you? I mean, you're me but, not?"

Mirror Jeremy smirked before he punched the glass, grabbing Jeremy's clothing and yanking him through the glass into a now darker abyss.


Jeremy jumped up with a little scream. He desperately grabbed what was at his side, which was some sort of plushie? Whatever all he knew was he's somewhere else new.

"Nonono," he repeated as he looked around. Crystals of all sorts hanged from the ceiling, most of them giving a deep purple glow, which not only scared Jer, but confused him a bit. Was this a shack? And why is he here?

He looked down to see he was wearing the same ragged cape from earlier and his crown was on the table. He mentally cursed. He was supposed to be back at Middle BOROUGH not Middle... whatever this was called. Hes basically back at stage one at this point.

Jeremy breathed, running his hands through his hair, or what was sticking out. He felt some sort of wrap on his forehead, remembering the sharp pain in the back of his head he felt when the chase happened. His sense spiked as he heard a rustle from the door. Bolting his head, Heere looked at the man.

The man looked startled, he couldn't help but shake a bit as he turned his head in all directions, making it look like he was trying to find someone. He was wearing a trench coat of the sorts with a sort of hood on it. He had some piercings on his right ear, along with some glowing marking on his face under his eyes that was mostly hidden from his thick rimmed glasses.

Jeremy widened his eyes as he sucked in a breath of air.


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