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//"But somewhere you exist"\\


The male squeaked a bit and tensed up. The markings on his cheeks glowed up a little bit as he shifted uncomfortably. Jeremy swinged his legs over the bed, it creaking with his movements. Michael tensed up more and began going back slowly.

"No no it's okay," Jeremy whispered as he approached him slowly. This situation seems like Michael is just an animal and Jeremy is a hunter, but knowing that this reality Jeremy kicked him out of the kingdom, he knows why it's like this.

"D-dont hurt me please! I didn't kidnap you I-i found you in the woods knocked cold! I'll get farther away from the kingdom...y-you won't have to see my face again!"

"Woah woah wait Michael it's okay just oh lord you won't believe what is going on right now!"

Michael perked up in confusion, "y-you said that if you see me again that... you'll make sure I was hanged."

"what? No! Okay wait, can I like....tell you something. You are a mage right?"

"Y-yeah? Y-you know that Jerm-... Jeremiah."

Jeremy gasped a little by the nickname that came out of the boys mouth. Not hearing that, he forgot that Rich said they once we're friends here, god he's got to fix this.

"Okay so here's the thing, I might... or might not be...not from here???"

Michael glared at him in confusion, "what?"

"Now hear me out-!"

"Nonono-just let me do this," Micha crawled over to Jeremy. "What are yo-," Jer muttered as he felt Michael put his cold hands on his bareback, making the coat lift up a bit. He shuddered, his face going red in embarrassment.

"No burns-, you're not Jeremy. Well you are but-"

Jeremy looked at him as Michael rose up slowly, nodding his head towards the door, letting Jeremy follow him in. He got up and was in wonder of what he saw, Jer looked at the aqua tinted room, it was research room, more likely a witches hut like in those fairy tales Jeremy read before.

He watched Michael as he took a book off of the shelf, dusting it off as he opened it.

"From what I can tell, this of course isn't your world. Do you remember anything before the mess you began here," Michael asked.

Jeremy hummed in concentration, "I remember a stage then...a girl she-...did something, someone telling me not to do it then purple."


"Yeah a deep purple ocean and then I woke up back at the castle I assume. And I guess when I knocked out, I fell back there, but this time there was glass and I - or a different me were on the other side. Then I got pulled in and I woke up here."

Michael sighed as he flipped through the old tattered pages. Jere intensely watched Micha, flip through pages and pages of books for a good thirty minutes. During those minutes, he looked around the shack Michael called home. Pictures of what assumed to be some family, friends, and children were gathered around him. He was smiling in all of them, posing with some of the more goofy ones. However, one child pic captured his glare. A little girl with red hair and she was being held up by Michael with the goofiest grin. Jeremy smiled when he saw that, that was Michael's signature smile, man how much he would pay to see that again.

A sound of a slap echoed as Jeremy jumped to the sudden noise. He turned back to see Michael reading a page, mummering the words of that page. Then he grinned,

"Jeremiah, I think I found a way to get you outta here."


"You said that you were in an ocean? An ocean that wasn't no normal aquatic colour, a purple. Then boom you woke up here. That thing you might have experienced was a mania. A mania is sort of like a reality switcher, to were you switch with one of your...ummm alternate personalities. So you must have switched with this worlds Jeremiah. Now I don't know if our Jeremiah is there or stuck in between the mania. But all you have to know Jeremia-"

"Jeremy...you can call me Jeremy," he softly spoke.

Michael perked up from the book and eyed him, he laughed, "Our Jeremiah would beat me if I use that name. He used to beat me up over anything."

"Wow he-...I must of been a dick."

"Yeah you sorta were," Michael snorted as he sticked out his tounge playfully. Jer couldn't help but roll his eyes and smile. "Anyways back to what I was saying, all you have to know Jeremy is that the way out is closer then you might think."

"...do you know or," Jeremy dragged.

"Of course," Michael sweated nervously, "It's just ummmm...I'm not allowed in the kingdom."

"But you were at Chloe's? That's why I followed you"

"Wait. You followed me!?"

"Y-yeah! I mean, I s-saw the bright purple glow from t-that crystal and I followedyouandishouldprobablystoptalking."

Michael looked at him before humming, looking back at the book. His head popped up in realization, "Oh! I know why.'' Michael went to his bag and grabbed the purple crystal, holding it up to see it dimly glowing.

"The way to get back is in the kingdom. The deep caverns of the castle, the mage stone in my old workshop, is sorta like a portal. And why you got attracted to this was because it probably sensed you. Sensed your aura."

Jeremy looked in awe at the crystal, he shook his head as he regained his thoughts. He looked back towards Michael and saw him threw a crystal at him. Causing Jer to tense, he let out a little shriek as he caught it. Looking at it, it was blue.

"What does this one do," Jeremy asked.

"It's a bubble shield when it senses danger," Michael chuckled as he grabbed a bag and some sort of metal rod, "We need to head out now if we are going to make it by night fall."

Jeremy worriedly looked at him as Michael smiled at him.

"You want to get back home right? Let's go get you safely back to the castle first and open that portal!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2018 ⏰

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