Chapter 1: Just a normal day

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It was a normal day when it happened. I walked to school with Lucy and Mike. Lucy was one of my first friends when I arrived at this school last year. I remember the day I came she came and talked to me at that time she had long blonde hair so all I could see when she approached me was her hair with two blue eyes poking out from behind it. She was brave enough to come talk to me when no one else would. Mike, on the other hand, is hated by most people he makes harsh jokes and is very inconsiderate but I didn't mind. He is rather tall and slim. His dark minded head was covered in brown hair and had brown eyes. I met him in class since I sat next to him. He was very talkative but we became friends quickly since I had no one else to talk too. But today was going to change everything. Like I said it started normally we were all walking to school. I wish we knew what was going to happen. Because if I did I would have never shown up that day.

"Hey what are you thinking about!?" Lucy shouted.

"Nothing important... just thinking about my future and what I am going to do.." I muttered.

"Really that sounds to complicated take your time we still have 2 years until college!" Mike said as he smirked.

"Yeah, I guess you are right... But still, I don't know I feel if I wait too long I won't be able to decide and then how do I leave my mark on the world?"

I always had a fear of that. My number one goal in life is to leave my mark on the world because when I die I don't want to be forgotten I want to be remembered for doing something.

"Hey! Hey!" Mike flicked my ear. "Your spacing off again?" He sighed.

"Yeah sorry... Well, have any of you decided on what you are going to do?" Mike looked confident.

"Yeah! I am going to be a comedian! Cuz I love jokes and putting smiles on peoples faces!" Lucy scoffed.

"Yeah, right you would be one of those comedians that only a select few like and a lot of people hate... your jokes are too dark!"

We all started laughing together. We talked for a couple minutes before we reached the school. It looked the same as it did every other day but something felt off. I tried to figure out what it was but before I could I hear laughing.

"He is doing it again!" Mike chuckled. "Stop spacing off!"

I sighed "Sorry it is just a habit.."

Lucy giggled. As we approached the school I had an even more eerie feeling but I still could not grasp it. But even when I entered the school I still couldn't figure it out. When we got to our classroom I could hear a lot of chatter inside. As soon as I opened the door to the classroom the chatter intensified as I was blasted with words.

"Hey look it is Bone!" A large kid in the back stated as I entered the room.

I rolled my eyes. That kid was Bradley Scotcher he was the class jock and bully. He always has his own nicknames for people. Mine was Bone. He calls me it because the second week I was here I manage to break my bone in gym class while I kicked the ball. I may have kicked the floor instead of the ball.

"How ya been Bone? Seems you have gotten even paler. Do you ever go outside?" The crowd of people chuckled.

"Leave him alone." Muttered Mike. "To be honest if your brain was even half the size of your muscles you would have better roasts.." The class laughed even harder at Mike's joke. Bradley just growled then stopped talking.

"Alright alright! This is not a good way to start this year. Everyone sit down!" Said a man wearing glasses and a nice outfit.

That was Mr. Derk he is my English teacher. He was a tough looking elderly man who stood about 6 foot in size. If you didn't listen to him he had no problem shoving you down. But if you did listen to him he was a kind man.

"As you all know I am Mr. Derk if you all listen to what I have to say then we should have a nice year."

After that classes started and we had a normal first day of school. From getting the papers describing the outlook of the class to reuniting with previous friends. It was all normal. Like it should have been.

"Hey Hey! Again! Vince! Vince!" I quickly shook my head.

I glanced around I was still in 8th period but school was out. I must have to fell asleep. I haven't been feeling right today I am having a hard time focusing.

"Vince!" I looked at where the words came from. It was Lucy she looked nervous. Something was wrong she was pale deathly pale.

"Lucy is everything alright!?" I questioned as she stood there blanked faced.

"Is everything alright? Alright?! Vincent did you not just hear what the speakers said? Do you not notice how it's terribly dark in here! We're trapped!" She panicked.

"What do you mean trapped!? What did the speaker say?" I asked intensely.

She stood there for a couple of seconds until a loud noise went off I recognized it. It was the sound that comes before the speakers said something.

"Hello, students of Eagle Academy. This is your new principal you have heard the previous rules in the previous announcement these rules will now commence starting now!" The speaker shut off and screams could be heard.

"No no no.." Lucy frantically panicked.

"Who was that? What are the rules? Lucy tell me!" I shouted at her.

"We are all going to die... We are all dead...!" She mumbled as there was a thud on the door outside. Lucy began to hyperventilate as the pounding got harder. I approached the door cautiously.

"No don't do it!" Lucy screamed. But it was too late as I opened the door.

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