Chapter 2: The Rules

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   As I opened the door slowly it was suddenly thrown open. I backed up quickly since it startled me. Through the door came one of our school's basketball players. He wasn’t one of our main shooters but he was still on the varsity team. As I examined him further I realized he was wielding something. I couldn’t quite make it out since he was holding it behind his back and since all the lights were out.

    “Hey Bone.. you wouldn’t mind if I stepped in here with you guys right? You do need someone to protect you all from the incoming threats!” He had a twisted look on his face and his voice was as if he was a parent talking to his child.

“What do you mean threats?! What is going on why is everyone acting so strange?” I questioned. Something was up he definitely wasn’t acting right.

    “Oh, you don’t know about the game? Here I will show you what I mean!” He charged at me with a bloody machete.

    I was frozen I couldn’t move. I always thought when people said they couldn’t move when they were scared was just over exaggerating. But I couldn’t move all I could do was watch as he swung the blade at me. I closed my eyes. I knew I was dead. But I didn’t feel dead. I slowly opened my eyes revealing the basketball player's hand inches from my face. Why did he stop? Then I noticed it. In his head was a spiked baseball bat like the ones you would see in an apocalypse movie. But this wasn’t a movie it was right there in front of me. Lucy screamed as she saw the horrifying events that took place in front of her. Who had struck him on the head I wondered. Then the tall figure fell downward with a crash revealing the striker. The one wielding the bat was a tall but very skinny kid. It was Mike. His face was pale and blank.

    “Mike?! What is going on?!” I yelled at him trying to get an answer from somebody.


    “How do you not know?... Well, I will tell you anyway. In the middle of the eighth period all the teachers left and told us to stay in our classes. About 7 minutes later an announcement was made on the speakers. It said if we wanted to live we would have to listen and follow the rules."

    Then he explained the game. He told us there are weapons lying around everywhere and if we wanted to live he advises that we find one. He then stated the rules for the game.

               ROUND 1: Target

1. You must pick up a weapon.

2. The weapon will have a name of a student on it.

3. You must eliminate that target before the time runs out.

4.You may eliminate more than needed so feel free to go on a killing spree.

5.If you pick up a weapon you must keep it and kill that person.

6. If it is your own name on the weapon ignore it and continue on.

7. You have until 4 pm now to 4 pm tomorrow. Have Fun!

At this moment I realized how messed up this all was going to be. We had to kill somebody I couldn’t do that I never have ever thought of killing anyone and now I am going to be forced to?! No way I can’t!

    “Wait, Mike?! What name was on your bat?..” After I asked he smirked a little as he showed me. It had been the kid he just struck down.

Quincy Tell

    “I guess that means I am safe right? Now all I have to do is survive until 4pm tomorrow.” He chuckled. How was he getting so used to this so quickly? I looked down at the blood machete and looked at the name tag.

Vincent Arc

    I gulped as I saw it. He was going to kill me.

    “I doubt two weapons have the same name so it’s highly unlikely anyone will be hunting you down. As for me and Lucy, we still have to be alert..” Mike seemed too easy going about all of this.

    As for the other, Lucy was hyperventilating at the situation. She had been for the last couple of minutes actually. Her face was so pale that she looked like she was about pass out. Well, she did pass out. Mike picked her up then sighed.

    “If she doesn’t adjust soon she won’t make it… see these wristbands?” He pointed at his wrist revealing a small metal wristband. I looked at my wrist too it also had one. I must not have noticed since I had all this stress going on around me. “I don’t think they put it on for shits and giggles. I think if we run out of time or break a rule it will do something.. What it is I have no idea..”

    I hid the machete in a desk so that there would be a less chance of someone finding it and wanting to hunt me down. We then all exited the room. Lucy was still asleep hanging over Mike’s shoulder. As we walked through the hallway I spotted something. An Ax. My heart dropped. I wanted to pick it up. I wanted to survive but what if it someone I know. What if it was Mike or Lucy. I couldn’t kill them! Reluctantly I picked up the ax slowly turning it so I could see the name.

Celeste Merek

    My heart dropped at the thought of having to kill such a nice person with such a painful weapon. Celeste Merk was a quiet student she always left to herself as she read books in the library. She wasn’t athletic at all and couldn’t swing a bat in gym class worth a crap. So I wasn’t worried about her fighting back but that made me feel worse. The thought of me striking this defenseless girl made my gut wrench.

    “Celeste... Poor girl, she would have been a great author if you have not picked up that ax.” Mike looked at the ax with a grim look on his face.

    “It’s not my fault! Quincy would have been a great athlete if you wouldn’t have picked up that bat!” I yelled back at Mike.

    “I guess you are right, believe it or not, the three of us are going to make sacrifices in order to get out of this situation whether you like it or not,” Mike stated as he Lucy began to awaken.

   As Lucy’s eyes opened she remembered the situation that she was in and gasped. Mike quickly covered her mouth hoping it would muffle her scream. It didn’t muffle very well her scream echoed through the halls.

   “I will be right back Vincent… I need to knock some sense into Lucy.” Before I could say anything Mike vanished into the classroom next to me.

   I didn’t hear Lucy screaming or Mike talking. It made me nervous but I trust Mike he would never harm her he just isn’t that kind of guy. After waiting for about 5 minutes Henry came out of the classroom followed by Lucy who now was holding a dagger. Lucy’s face was drained, her face was pale and her eyes were sunken in. Dread was the only emotion that I could see coming from her. I then glanced down at her hand the one which was holding the dagger, I slowly read the name of her victim. My heart dropped once again.

                   Chelise VanRaugh.

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