Chapter One

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My father and I have moved around a lot since I changed at the age 21. So when we arrived at a secluded cabin in the mountains of North Carolina I wasn't shocked. My father had a knack for finding these kinds of places. It was a Monday night, which meant spaghetti and garlic bread. The scent of tomato sauce, boiling pasta noodles, and over seasoned garlic bread filled the entire cabin as my father, August, cooked and pretended to be a chef. As I sat in my room, unpacking and dying of boredom, I decided to go for a quick run.

"Dad, I'm going on a run!" I yelled from the front porch.

"Be careful and do not let anyone see you!" He yelled back while stirring a pot of pasta noodles.

"Always am!" I replied as I rushed out the door.

Pieces of my clothing fluttered to the floor of the wooden porch, until, eventually, I was bare. I stepped down from the porch, allowing my feet to somewhat settle onto the cold, damp forest floor and it began. With one swift move I knelt to the ground, allowing my bones to shift and little by little I took on the form of a black wolf with glowing green eyes.

Running through the forest, smelling the pine trees and hearing all the different sounds of nature like owls hooting and crickets chirping was liberating. As I stood there in the middle of the forest, taking it all in something in the air smelt very wrong and that's when I sensed my father was in distress. Quickly, I ran back towards the cabin and when I was close enough that's when I smelt them. The hunters. I crept up to the edge of the woods and I immediately saw my father being dragged out of the house and shoved to the ground. When I began to emerge from hiding, I heard my fathers voice loud and clear in my head, telling me to stay hidden. I obeyed, and watched as he was stunned, handcuffed and shoved into the back of a black armored van.

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         All at once, the annoyingly loud sound of a car horn burst into Aeliana's thoughts, and she swiftly jumped out of the speeding cars way; her heart pounding inside her chest. On the search for her father, August, she had foolishly zoned out while walking along side the road. When Aeliana refocused on the road ahead she saw a small sign that said, "Fair Grounds 30miles" and she felt relief, thinking that she'll finally get a solid lead on finding her father. Hours had passed and Aeliana was now only five miles from the fair grounds. The only two factors working against her at this point were that the sun was beginning to fade from the sky and how peaked she was feeling. Aeliana quickly scoped out a spot for her to rest her head for the night in the nearby woods.  It didn't take her long and she already had a fire burning and her sleeping bag laid out. That night she locked onto the stars up above and lost herself in them as she slowly drifted off to sleep.

The following morning, the sun beamed onto Aeliana's face and intruded on her slumber. As she sat up she grabbed her backpack and sluggishly rummaged it for a breakfast bar. Aeliana could taste every single dried strawberry and banana with each bite and savored it, because it was the last one she had. After finishing the last bit of the strawberry and banana breakfast bar Aeliana eagerly rolled up her sleeping bag and packed her things. As she headed back towards the road she tripped and stumbled on some of the branches on the ground, cutting up her leg.

After about an hour Aeliana had finally arrived at the entrance of the old fair grounds. Following her lead from the old gypsy from a neighboring town, Aeliana wandered around the gypsy camp looking for a small gray home with a dark blue door. Unfortunately, that was all Aeliana had to go on and the fair grounds were huge with hundreds of small homes. She had been walking around for what seemed to be hours, until, ultimately, she found it. The small gray house with a dark blue door.

She froze at the half opened door for a minute before entering and thought about how all these years of false leads and broken hope has led to this moment. Aeliana took a deep breath as she pushed open the door and walked inside the dimly lit house.

"Hello!" She called out.

"Just a minute!" A males voice shouted from the bathroom.

Aeliana waited patiently, until, finally, she heard the door opened and saw a half naked man walk out of the door. As the man walked towards her, Aeliana was overwhelmed with a feeling she had never felt before. It was almost as if she had known this man somehow.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2016 ⏰

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