Part one, chapter 1: Beautiful world

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A/N: ...Idk, I came up with this as a follow up to the Election one, and wow, this is way more serious, lol. I had actually planned a Godzilla idea, and that one's comin' too, lol! Anyway, enjoy! And if you wonder, we start with when Alfred was a child, just so ya know, XD!!!! AGAIN, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alfred's P.O.V

                                 "Come along, Alfred." Arthur calls, already having a good start. I laugh, following him as good as my short legs can. "Come on, Iggy!" I yell as try catching up. I know he's going so slow just to give me an advantage, but I wouldn't tell him that I know.

                                  I finally catch up and grab him, accidentally taking us both down, but we laugh all the same. It's a beautiful spring day in the settlement of Massachusetts. Iggy brought me out here as a sort of day off for him. I've been trying to learn how to be like him, but he says I'm too young. But that's okay, I trust whatever Iggy tells me.

                            As the sun slowly gets closer to the horizion, Iggy tells me, "Okay, Alfred, we'd better get a move on or we'll be out after dark." Though disappointed, I agree and the two of us walk back.

                          "Iggy?" I ask, he looks down at me, "Yes?" "Can we go home?" "Of course, that's where we're going-" "No, home." I say, putting on my best little kid face to try to talk him into it. He takes a moment before he asks "Oh, England you mean?" I nod my head, anxiously awaiting an answer.

                          He stops and kneels down to my level, taking my shoulders in his hands and says, "Well, Alfred... I'm trying to set up the colonies here-" "But they are fine!" I plead with him, "Can't we take a trip? Or something?" He sighs and says "I'm sorry, Alfred, there is far too much to do here..." He stands back up and puts his hand on my back, helping me along.

                      I know the real truth: Things have been going downhill lately, but everything Iggy  does makes things seem worse. He wouldn't mean to, I know he and the others from Britain are trying to help and make things right. But what is clear is that things aren't getting any better.

                      I worry about how it'll affect him, like if it's too much stress. I heard from some of his soldiers that there were people starting protests and stuff. I just hope he's okay.

Arthur's P.O.V

                Alfred knows nothing (I hope). Of that I am thankful. Lately the settlements have been getting very riled up, just because we raised taxes. They are taxes, people, calm down. Of course his majesty, George the third, has givin the order to raise taxes whenever such things occur, making them angrier. I would rather leave before th bloodshed starts up, but I am to stay here. And I would like to make them stop, really.

               We make it home, just at the last minutes of dusk. Alfred is such a young child, but I now see him growing up so fast. I hope he doesn't get involved in this. I will do what ever it takes. King George III, ordered me to not to even let him think his own ideas. It saddens me that he is so restrained, but, I shall do what is needed.

                 After dinner, I go to his room to find him almost done eating ready for bed. "Alfred?" I call, "May we speak?" "Yes." He nods happily. I walk in and take a seat at the foot of his bed. I take a breath before looking him straight in the eye, "Alfred, do you know about the arguments?" His bright face slightly fades as he nods his little head. I contiue, "Alfred, no matter what you hear, know this; they're lying. They're bad people just out to cause trouble. Nothing good ever comes from trouble, right?" I ask, and again he nods. "Good," I say, patting his shoulder, "I just wanted to make sure you knew. Good night." "Good night." He says quietly. I blow out the candle and leave him be. Why must he be caught in the middle of this? He's so young, so innocent. I wish I could stop this, and yet, I also wish for it to succeed, not matter what the price.

Alfred's P.O.V

               I can't sleep. After what Iggy said, I'm so confused. I've heard they had good causes, that the poor couldn't afford enought food with the taxes. But Iggy doesn't lie, this I know. He'd never do anything to decive me.

               I sigh and turn over to look at the window. I can see the stars through a crack in the curtains. I'd like to dance among the stars. The way they twinkle and shine, making the night light up. No matter what happens, I always know the stars are there to have my back. It's like a sense of...freedom. The stars always have and always will remain free. I close my eyes and slowly fall asleep.


GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING!!!!!!!!! I have no idea, lol! As you can see, this is chapter 1! YAY!!!!!!! This is also an accurate account (as far as I know... XD) of the revolutionary war, so expect a few groovy cameos lol!! And before someone starts yelling, chillax, it's a story, and the war's over. The reason Lil' ol' Iggy (at least I heard that' what they called him in the show sometimes XD) is debating on stuff like that is because, I don't think the countries folk have 100% control of their actions. Is Ludwig really full on Hitler? Thankfully, no. From what I've put together from what I've heard and such, they have to follow what their leader says, or something. Idk, maybe they can fight back a little or lot? SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN WHAT THE KITTENS IS HAPPENING!!!!! XD anyway, so yeah, new chapter's coming soon! This is a three part thing, maybe 3-5 chapters per part, we'll see, so, please read that too!! THIS IS SO FREAKING AWESOME!!!! I'm SUCH a history nut lol! So maybe that's why I'm making so much for this show lol! ALSO, MORE OF THE SHOW'S CHARACTERS WILL BE COMIN' IN! BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MANY PEOPLE GOT INVOLVED IN THE WAR! THIS IS GONNA BR FREAKING AESOME Y'ALL! SEE YA SOON AND THANK FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next chapter will have the videos, cause I'm just too lazy right now lol!



- J  <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2018 ⏰

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