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you don't care?

that's right

i meant what i said

so did i

well, damn.
at least i tried

this whole thing
is your fault ya know

my fault?

you're the one that texted me

yeah, yeah
you already made that point

case closed, then

what if i told you...
that's all we could do

I'd say you're lying

not even a little

don't be a jerk

you don't know who i am

and i want to

even if it meant..
public ridicule?

what are you talking about??

i'm joking,

way to go, LP

but actually..

dear Lord

I do make a fool of myself



all the time

i thought so 😭

hey now!


that hurts!

what are you gonna do bout it?

don't test me

why not?
it's not like you'll stop me

sure as hell, I will...

insult me over text? 😂

very clever

I see what you're doing

and what is that?

annoying me enough
to tease you in person

is it working?

unfortunately for you,


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