
1.9K 65 21

you can always try

I play to win

I never lose

until you met me

you're spicy, S

tell me something I don't know

who'd you get that from

this guy I like

do tell

he was just in my bedroom

sounds serious

and he took one of my bras

major props

but he left something behind

no, don't think...

that I plan on keeping

which was?

your wallet


should've worn pants 🤷🏼‍♀️

5 minutes
and I'm there

in LA traffic?

just gonna huck it

with a bra in the backseat


the motherland
of a choch

I'm kissin you for that

no kissing!
until I get my bra back

what's the point?
I'd take it off anyways

before or after
I hide your wallet

aw, come on

better start huckin it

my mind is so dirty

I'll say...
there's more condoms in here
than cash


born and raised

now she gets it

always did

I can't wait to kiss you


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