🅒🅗🅐🅟🅣🅔🅡 ③⑨ - The Second Big Bang

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One fact everyone should know.

The most dangerous formula in the universe.

Aurora + emergency + come fast = big crisis

Nothing to joke about here. I nearly went out of the house in a towel forgetting about everything to get to Aurora. Thank God Tommy was there to prevent this!

It was as if the third world war was about to erupt!

While I was putting on decent clothes, Tommy ordered an uber for us.

He decided to ditch school to come with me. For some mysterious reason, Tommy's car tires were all flat. It was as if the whole planet was going into panic mode.

When we reached the company, I headed straight to Aurora's office. Knocking was never one of the things I did and I wasn't about to start now. So, I crached into her office swinging the door wide open and rushing inside.

"I'm here! What's happening?" I said breathing hard. Dammit! I should have taken the elevator instead of running the whole 16 floors on the stairs. "Did somebody die?" I asked. This was the worst case scenario I could come up with for an emergency!

"No, no one died." She said slowly getting out of her chair and closing the door behind Tommy. "Look at this," she handed me a piece of paper.

I unfolded it slowly. It was a note written in the same style of the ones I found before.

The letters got blurry. "Where did you find this?" I asked lowly. Barely able to control my tears of panic.

Touch what's mine and face the consequences
You're doomed so don't make it worse

I could only think of that accident! Who else would write this?

"It was in your studio," She said cutting me out of the horrible thoughts. "Maybe we should increase security around you."

"This would just reveal her." Tommy stated. "She's still Cinnamon!"

"It doesn't matter, Tommy." I said dryly. "Who would believe that Cinnamon is me?" I laughed with no humour.

"Well, Ron thought you were better." Aurora said.

I laughed even harder. "He was using me." I sat down. "To get his fiance jealous or whatever." I shrugged.

I was feeling my walls rebuilding. Making me even more empty from the inside. Like a beautiful empty jewellery box!

A memory played in my head taking me back...

The smoke from his cigarette was making my lungs burn. It was the only thing I smelled for days. I took the opportunity of him not focusing on us ignoring the pain in my leg.

Tommy and I were both tied to chairs. Our backs against each other. I had to get us out of here. And I knew Tommy was too weak to help. He was always drugged meaning always unconscious.

I kept pulling my hands apart. Even though I could feel blood trickling down my hands, I pulled even harder. I had to get us out.

I was almost free but then he saw me...

He stalked around me like a lion to his prey. When he saw the horror he was looking for, he pulled my chin, sending panic through my body. I was holding my tears back.

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