week eight

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on monday: I skipped class so I could visit you in jail. We talked;

"What did you do?" I gasped into our hug.

"I stole something for you," you smiled.

on tuesday: Your father bailed you out and we left together.

on wednesday: I fell asleep with my head on your lap.

on thursday: Our four-day weekend began and we decided to explore the city of New York. Just you and I, hand in hand.

on friday: I hugged you tighter than ever.

on saturday: I felt lonely again, but then I remembered that I had you.

on sunday: I received your letter, and with it was attached a beautiful chain necklace that read my initials. 

Dear Diana,

My beautiful angel, I'd wait a thousand years for you. I love you more than the way the sun kisses the earth. You're my everything and I never want to lose you. I love you, okay? I love you and I will only ever love you. I love your mesmerizing blue eyes, I love your heart-shaped lips, and I love your graceful soul. 

Yours' forever,

Harry x 

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