Next Time Hide Them Better

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Sans woke up to the sound of broken glass. He looked around and remembered he was in Frisk's bed...alone. "wha?...wheres the-", *CRASH* Sans sprang out of bed and bolted toward his room. He tried to open his door but it was locked. He knew Frisk was in there and he knew exactly what she was doing. She had to be looking for his pills, the ones Alphys gave him. He had been taking sleeping meds to help control his nightmares, but he had no idea what it could do to a human. Monster medicine directly affects the soul and if the kid got her hands on it...Sans started banging and kicking on the door. "Frisk! open the door!", he could hear his things being moved around and broken."KID!", the skeleton continued to yell and bang until he heard a thud on the other side of the door."k-kid?", He had no other choice, he summoned a gaster blaster. Almost as fast as it's beam had fired it was gone. Sans stared into his bedroom through the hole in the wall that used to be a door."shit!", A look of pure terror graced his features when he saw the child. There she was, one the floor next to an empty bottle of pills."nononononoNO!", He was next to her in an instant."no no no kid we talked about this", Frisk was out cold, her soul visible and Sans was worried it would shatter any second."Frisk please no.", He held the child close. The small skeleton tried to stay calm but his emotions got the better of him."wake up! c'mon kid! ya can't die! ya can't die!", Sans pulled his phone out of his pocket, it had a crack now. He did't notice at first, all he cared about was getting help. He didn't have his stylis but he tried anyway."c'mon c'mon", He struggled to get the keypad up."damn my boney fingers!", Sans grabbed Frisk's hand and used it to open the phone. "sorry kid but I can't...oh god.", When he looked back at the child he noticed her soul had lost it's color, it was going to shatter if he didn't hurry. " I h-ave to call-no if I call 911 they w-on't...PAPYRUS! I have to call paps-have to call paps.

*bzzzt*bzzzt*bzz-ding"Hello! It is I! The Great Papyrus!", he said, enthusiastic as usual. "Ugh Paps why are you yelling! We all just got up you dork!", Papyrus stepped back. "Oh! Sorry Undyne I got a phone call.", Alphys got up from here spot on the couch. "D-don't worry P-papyrus. You just need to be more q-quiet.", Papyrus decided to step outside as to not disturb Undyne further. "Hello?", His smile dropped when he heard his brother's panicked breathing coming from the other end of the line. "S-sans?! Brother what is wrong? Say something!",

"bro-th-the kid-Frisk-oh god oh god oh gooood",

"Sans! Calm down I am coming home right now ok?",

"PLEASE HURRY!!", Papyrus dropped the phone and started running. He didn't think, just ran. He didn't know what was going on but from what he could piece together something was very wrong. He had almost never heard or seen his brother in such a frenzy, Sans was almost always calm and collected even in the worst of situations. His brother was always level headed. The only times saw Sans like that was when he was having nightmares. Papyrus ran as fast as he could, he had to get to his brother, he had to get to the human. Whatever was wrong the Great Papyrus had to fix it before it got worse. "Do not worry...I am coming."

Frisk was in a dark place. It was a crushing darkness that she didn't recognize. "Am I...dead?",

"Oh no~ but you are close :)", Frisk turned around so fast she almost tripped over her own feet. "Chara?!", She was so confused. Where was she and why was Chara there? "Well who do you think brought you here?", The demon child stared at their counterpart waiting for a response. All they got was silence. "Why are not speaking Frisk? Aren't you happy? We are finally going to eradicate this-",

"NO!", Frisk yelled. "They've suffered enough Chara!",

"Oh Frisk... you were never in control. Tell me, how are you going to stop me if I have your determination?", Frisk felt light. Chara held out her hand to reveal a bright red substance. Frisk felt for her soul and realized the the determination was gone, she thought she could feel something squeezing her arm. "HAHAHAHA HAAAA HA HAAA", Chara laughed almost manically, Frisk took a step back. "HE'S CRYIIIIHAHAHAAA!", The demon fell to the floor laughing. "Ha ha *sniff* ha... I've never heard Sans cry before!", The pacifist held her hands to her mouth. He was crying. Sans was crying. " He thinks i'm dead!",

"Wow. That comedian really cares about you! And here I thought he HATED YOU! I mean, after all you did to him? HA HA HA... this is hilarious!", Frisk sunk to her knees, tears threatening to pour down her face. "I...he..he thinks i'm dead...Chara don't hurt them please!", Chara looked her double right in the eyes. "hehe...Don't you worry Frisk. We will erase this world but not before I've had my fun. No, I won't kill them just yet :) This is only the beginning.", A faint voice could be heard in the distance "HUMAN!! Do not worry! I The Great Papyrus will wake you up. Just hold on!", Chara smiled. "Oh. It's that idiot. Well I better let him save you. I wouldn't want my puppet dead.", The demon disappeared and Frisk's vision went white.

Papyrus held the child's soul in his hands, using his magic to extract the foreign substance that was keeping her unconscious. Sans kept Frisk's body close, occasionally checking her vitals and making sure she was still alive. Papyrus had calmed down his brother before things had gotten too out of hand. When he had gotten home Sans was almost unresponsive. It was even worse than when he had nightmares, Papyrus could still handle it though. What he couldn't handle was seeing his best friend on the verge of death. Papyrus was doing his best to stay calm, for his brother's sake. The tall skeleton had never had to do something like this before and he was worried that he might mess it up and permanently damage Frisk's soul. "Why did Sans not call Alphys?! She would be infinitely better at this than I!", He thought as he removed the last of the medicine from the soul. Papyrus relaxed and placed it back inside of Frisk's chest. "I removed all of the bad magic from her soul...but I can't figure out why turned white.", Sans sighed, relief filling his bones. The kid was gonna be ok. Sans took his eyes off of the sleeping girl and turned toward his bro. "you can't figure it out? ya mean it wasn't the pills?",

"No. It was something else.", Sans looked back down at Frisk. The only other way it could've turned white was if her determination somehow-"Sans?", His thoughts were interrupted and he turned his head back up to Papyrus. "yeah bro?",

"Why did you call me instead of Alphys? Does she not study souls? And your medication...she gave it to you yes?", Sans felt like an idiot. Really?! "well Paps, in the heat of the moment I guess I just wasn't thinkin' straight.", Sans snapped his head back down as he felt Frisk start to move. "kid!?", Papyrus knelt down to Sans and Frisk's level. He wanted her to see him when she woke up. "Human? Can you hear us?",

"Frisk, buddy, kiddo! Please be awake!", Frisk cuddled into Sans' jacket and opened her eyes. "mmm...smells like bones.", The child positioned herself so that she could see where she was. Papyrus immediately started beaming. "Oh! Human! Thank the heavens you are alright!", Papyrus jumped for joy as Sans pulled Frisk closer. Sans was overwhelmed with emotion, all he think about was the girl. She had almost died because of him. It was all his fault! He should have known what she was going through...but he didn't. He didn't realize it but he was crying again. Sans' eyelights were just pinpricks and his smile looked broken. Papyrus saw his brother and decided that he needed to step in. "Brother? Are you ok?", Sans didn't answer, he just held Frisk tighter. He wasn't going to let this happen again.

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