Reunions & Restitution

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Hey guys! I apologize for the delay in updating. Had been sort of stuck on what to write, but I hope this will suffice! I'm still a in a bit of a rut, so I apologize in advanced if this chapter isn't up-to-par. ^^;


"Dez…You can let go now," Trish says, pulling her head away from the red-head's chest. Her hands had been at her sides for about a minute or so, as the ginger continues to latch onto her with his face buried in the curly locks atop her head. He does not seem ready to let go just yet, as her words only cause him to grip her tighter. Trish finds her face shoved right back into his chest.

"Can't…Breathe…" her muffled voice escapes.

"Just a few more seconds," Dez pleads into her hair.

"Dez, I will hurt you," she retorts, growing impatient.

"No, you won't," he smirks, exhaling sharply through his nose. "You won't." Words spoken too soon, as he shrieks shrilly at the sudden pain shooting up his leg after the girl's foot slams down on top of his. He pulls away, grabbing his injured foot and hopping up and down on the other in pain. "Trish!"

"Don't ever test me." Her voice suddenly cold, Dez rests his foot on the floor and shrinks back in fear.

"S-Sorry. I-I just…I was worried, Trish," he explains, building up enough courage to approach her slowly and take her hands in his. He rubs the back of her hands with his thumbs gently, in an attempt to calm her down. His care for her certainly takes precedence over his fear of her. Trish enjoys the relaxing sensation for a few moments until her mind catches up with her. She pulls her hands away, and folds her arms across her chest.

"Well, I'm fine, you doof. You can go now," she scoffs, turning around swiftly, her hair slapping him across the face as she does so. She makes her way to her desk chair, sits down, and grabs her textbook, shunning him by burying her face into a random chapter.

Dez watches her with a gentle smile, amused by her defensive behavior. He grabs a nearby chair, setting it down backwards beside Trish. He takes a seat on it, leaning up against the backrest, his arms folded and resting on the top. He sets his head down on his arms and continues to watch her as she pretends to read. It's clear that she's not truly paying attention to the textbook.

"Dez, go away."

"Hey, what're you doing hanging out with Trent?" he asks, ignoring her command.

"Austin and Ally didn't tell you? We've gotten pretty close. He's a lot better of a friend than you are." She glances over at Dez, hoping to see at least the slightest bit of anger in his eyes, unsure of why she even wants that. It is not present, however. He continues to smile.

"Trish, he wouldn't've called me over here if he's a better friend than I am, c'mon." He shakes his head at her, entertained by her attempt to get a rise out of him. She couldn't be more obvious. "You two are friends now, huh? That's good." An awkward, heavy silence fills the room, with the two of them now barely looking at one another, trying to find words to fill the emptiness.

"I'm dating this guy named Kye," Trish adds after a bit, breaking the silence. "He's really sweet." Dez's smile does not fade.

"I'm happy for you."


"I am, Trish," he repeats, setting a gentle hand on her right shoulder. "Look, I rushed all the way out here 'cause I thought something horrible happened to you." His voice takes a serious turn, "I'm just…So glad you're okay." Trish slams her book shut, causing Dez to flinch a bit, and sets it back on her desk – guilt slowly creeping up into her. Her harsh behavior towards him seemed unnecessary and uncalled for. Her anger always had fought its way to the forefront of her mind, however. She cannot help it. She's still furious at him.

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