Fights & Flights

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Aaaand here I go again with the lack of updates. e_e I apologize.

Here's the next part, though! Hope you enjoy it.


"My gate's right over there. Gate P6," Dez informs Kye, who had taken it upon himself to drive his new friend to the LAX airport. The drive had been quiet for the most part, and Kye knew better than to pry. The moment Dez had entered his car after the chat he had alone with Trish, Kye understood. The look on the redhead's face said everything necessary to explain the situation. However, many questions had stirred up in the other boy's mind during the half-hour drive.

"So…That's it, huh? I guess you're not coming back here. Well, until you get a chance work in Hollywood – which I don't doubt," he asks Dez, lightly and playfully tapping the taller boy's shoulder with his fist.

"Well, I'm not exactly wanted here." Dez shakes his head, staring at the dashboard in front of him as he fiddles with a loose thread at the hem of his shirt. "I really thought we were making some kinda progress – but she shut me out. Again," he adds, releasing the thread and gesturing with his hands in frustration.

"It's because you were in such a hurry to leave, Dez." Kye parks the car in front of Dez's flight gate, then turns to him. "You hurt her, Dez. Of course she's going to be defensive."

"She started it!" Dez counters with his arms crossed, his tone resembling a six-year-old.


"Okay, okay. But it's not like I can do anything about it now, can I?" He folds his lips, blinking away the wetness in his eyes. He opens the passenger door and steps out, while Kye presses a button to open the trunk of his van.

"You guys might just need some time to let things simmer down. It'll be okay," Kye makes an effort to soothe him. Although he isn't sure if he truly believes what's coming out of his mouth, Kye wishes to supply Dez with at least some sense of hope – if nothing else.

"We tried that already, Kye. No amount of time is going to help us. It'll just be the same thing over and over again - and I don't think I can take it anymore." Dez walks around the back, pulling his bright orange carry-on out of the trunk. "Anyways, thanks for the ride, man. And…For everything else, too. I needed a buddy." Kye sticks his head out of the driver's side window to return his newfound friend's gratitude with an "anytime". He opens his mouth to speak, but freezes up upon looking over the redhead's shoulder.

"…You okay? Something wrong?" Dez's eyebrows push together, eyes now flickering with nervousness as paranoia fills his mind. Is there a gunman behind me with a pistol pointed my way?, he can't help but wonder. He gently puts down his carry-on, raises his hands up in the air as a "white flag" of sorts, and makes a slow turn to face the possible danger.

Not a gunman, thankfully. Although, it's someone he's even more unequipped to face.

"Trish?!" he drops his hands back down to his sides. "Why are you-? How did you-? What-?" he stutters, trying to form proper sentences to no avail. The girl raises a hand up to silence him, then approaches him swiftly. "Trish what the heck are you–?" he starts, as the girl shoves him back forcefully. "Oof! Wh-hey! Did you really follow me all the way out here just to shove me? Trish, I said I'm done–," he's cut off again as she gives him another push, this one much more forceful than the last. He falls back, rump hitting the cement as he cries out in mild pain from the impact.

"Trish, stop!" Kye calls out, jumping out from his side of the vehicle. He rushes over to help Dez up, only to have Trish hold a hand out in front of him – stopping him. "Trish – you've done enough. Just leave him alone," the boy begs, slightly shaking from fright at the sight of the abrasive girl. She ignores his words and walks on over to the boy she had pushed down, extending a hand out to him.

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