Chapter 3

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I scan the area looking to see where the new girl will sit. I don't know her name yet, but I sure intend to eventually. These people are all the same as any other school in our galaxy. The animal type creatures are the most feared making them the most powerful in school. They do what they want when they want because no one has the guts to confront them, not even our weird ass principal Mr. Skywalker. He spends his time trying to be cool and train the smart kids we call the Future Jedi. Then there's the basics. The ones that sort of blend in the background because they aren't important to the plot. We call them stormtroopers or stormies for short. She doesn't seem to fit in any of these molds. Maybe she's like me and will refuse to conform.

I head to the Future Jedi table as I do everyday at lunch. My heart yearns to be a part of their clique, and to have the approval of Mr. Skywalker. My lunch tray plops onto their table as I look my principal in the eye.

"You are back again Mr. Ren. I am so glad that you've come back. You have so much potential and..."

"SHUT UP I HATE YOU! I will never be a part of whatever you are trying to do. Leave me alone. I will never accept your good people ways." I interrupt as I usually do. Why do I always do this?? I always push away all good potential I could have, and I cannot figure out why. Maybe I am scared of change and commitment, maybe I'm broken, I just do not know.

Head pounding, I leave the Future Jedi and sit at my designated table alone. My fist collides with the table almost breaking it in half.

"Yo kid!" the lunch lady shouts. "You've gotta stop doing that. We have already had to replace 3 tables since you've started here."

"Leave Me Alone," My throat burns as I let out my anger on that greasy bitch.

"Yo. It's cool if I sit here right?" I hear a firm, yet cool voice ask me.

My eyes rise to see the most beautiful girl to ever wander the galaxy. Her hair is a lucious brown and is pulled up into some hair style I have never seen before. It is the girl from theater, the girl of my dreams.

"I usually sit alone," I look back down at my food. I intend to leave this open ended to observe what she will do. I hear the tray drop and feel her presence beside me.

"So what was that over there with Mr. Skywalker and those kids?" I forgot that she is new and has never seen that before.

"It is just a part of my daily routine. Everyone is used to it by now. EXCEPT FOR EDNA THE LUNCH LADY."

"Shut up ass-wipe!" Edna retorts back

"Okay then. What class do you have next?" The girl changes the subject.

"Galactic History,"

"Oh, I took that at my other school. I'm in Universal History this year,"

"Interesting." That ends our discussion. We sit there silently, but aware of each other for the rest of the period. It isn't awkward like one would expect, but it feels right, like it is what is supposed to happen.

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