Chapter 4

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I was trying not to think of this moment all day. Lunch. I do not have a group, and inferring from my past schools, I will never have one. My stomach clenching in fear and hunger, I walk onto the battle ground.

At first surveillance, the layout seems normal. Kids in their own little worlds in their own little groups. My plan of action is to sit where Mr. Skywalker is. With him there, at least no one could torment me and I should be safe. I grab a tray and grip so tight my knuckles turn snow white. The lunch lady is in the middle of serving me when my eardrums quake from someone screaming. My body flinches and I expect someone to react, but everyone carries on as normal.

After I paid for my small collection of "food", the first thing I notice is the kid from that got his ass handed to him this morning sitting alone. I shouldn't sit with him. I know that for sure. My first instinct is to join the group of kids with Mr. Skywalker. I've heard good things about them and I know that it is the best chance I have of surviving this semester, but then my legs just kept moving toward the hallway kid like my brain knew one thing and my body knew another. I plopped my tray down and after minimal conversation, we sat and ate in silence, but the air between us was thick with suspense like something about us was going to be big.


I manage to get through the day without any other trouble, so I start making my way home. Half way through my walking route, my head begins throbbing with pain for a brief moment, before I feel almost woozy and weird like I did this morning.

"Oh fuck, not this again." I hear a familiar voice say in my head.

"Damn, nice to hear from you too, what did you say your name was again?" I reply

"Kylo, and your name is Rey right?"

" Yea boii. How's that girl you were all over this morning?" I try to make this less awkward with some kind of conversation.

"Fine, I suppose. She sat with me at lunch, which was kinda awkward since I usually sit alone. I don't know her name yet though."

"Weird, I sat with a dude who was sitting by himself today too. Anyway, what school do you go to?"

"I go to Galaxy Prep (idk come up with a better name in your head or something) and you?"

"NO WAY. I just started started there today. We should totally meet up tomorrow. How about by the gym doors at 7:45?"

"You know what? I'll see you then."

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2018 ⏰

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