L i b r a r y

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I added more re-read or skip down but sry. The picture up top is what my makeup looks like for a silent video I'm doing for drama and it obviously a romance, jk horror and is it good?
The two boys agreed to Beverly's deal, they came up with a plan to go to the library and see if there's anything on another clown before pennywise.
"Guh-guys loo-look" Bill pointed to a yellow balloon floating into the storage unit.
"Don't follow it, remember what happened to me last time I did" Ben quivered. But the other four excluding Eddie due to his paranoia.
"Nu uh nope not going" Eddie stubbornly said.
"Get your tiny asses over here" Trash-mouth said, and they both scurried on over.

Once over to the storage unit a gasp was heard from Eddie, covering his mouth he trembled and with a shaky arm pointed at the new clown. Yellow cropped jacket with a red shirt under and blue pants, he had terrible yellow teeth, but a kind smile towards the kids
"Hiyah losers my names Gumbo!" He too happily said to the kids.
"Your Eddie , Bevie, Ben, Stan, Mike, Richie, and Billy" said Gumbo in a softer voice once he got to Bill.
"What-what are you d-doing ba-back" bill asked the clown but once he looked up from he floor Gumbo was gone.
"C'mon bill lets get outta here" Mike mumbled. They headed out and to Richies. Walking down the street Beverly was sure she was seeing her dad around every corner,same goes with all the losers, like mike and the screams, Eddie and the leper, Bill with Georgie, but Richie saw Pennywise, not Gumbo he had a new fear? Or were there two clowns now?

"What do you wanna do I say we should all play truth or dare" Richie said being his usual self.
"Sure and be the most cliche people ever"Bev snarked.
"Be-bev come o-on" Bill pleaded with the girl. She rolled her eyes but nodded.

"Ok eddie truth or dareeeee" Richie started.
"Well truth because who knows with you"
"Who is your favorite person in this room?" He smirked
"Easy Bev" Eddie said towards the girl and she smiled while Richie rolled his eyes.
"Ben truth or dare" Eddie now said.
"Dare I guess" Ben mumbled to the tiny boy.
"Kiss the hottest person in the room" he said and Ben turned to Beverly.
"Oh and it cant be bev, sorry she's taken" Eddie finished.

Gumbo is another word for____, that is the meaning of ________ sorry it's still short but better? Tell me how many words you want them to be, so I can average the day and this week is really busy, test see y'all Friday
~your bitch Elke

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