Chapter 1: Moving to Giza

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"Why has history been revised, whitewashed, and obliterated? Why does it matter that we know or don’t know our true history? How do we find the Truth? "

Tallulah read out from her new book. She loved pondering upon things like that. She didn't like reading books, what she loved was to figure out the purpose behind them. She was a free spirit. Wild, ambitious and inquisitive were only a few words that began to describe her. She was only fifteen whereas her mind was that of a 40 year old man. She looked exactly like her birth father; dark brown hair and smoky grey eyes. Every weekend they would spend hours talking about some mystery of the world while playing detective. It was their special thing. It was until he died in a tragic accident. He was on his way back from work when he was shot. Because he couldn't receive Medical attention immediately, he passed away that same night. Her mother would tell her that he was just gone on a trip and she'd believe her. She eventually did find out about him and now she only had those memories of him. And it was his memories that kept her going.

"Tallulah, have you finished packing?" Blake asked.

Blake Carano was Tallulah's new step dad. He was tall , handsome and had piercing brown eyes. He was an archaeologist. Over the year, he proved to be the best father figure to both Tallulah and her little brother. Blake and Carrie were college buds and after he heard the tragic news he stood up for her. He took care of her as he himself lost his wife to cancer. And it was some years after Tallulah's birth father died, that her mother Carrie married Blake. Carrie was the most beautiful woman that you could lay eyes upon. She was a blonde beauty. She loved Tallulah's father deeply and when he passed away it broke her. If it weren't for Blake, she'd probably be joining her husband under the earth. But now the two broken families were easing eachother's pain and becoming a better whole.

"Yeah, almost done. I'll be right down. "

"You don't look like you're done. " said a familiar voice.

It was her step-brother Sean. He was a total genius and her "Best friend in the family ". He was a man of science but he still loved Tallulah's mysteries. He was good looking for a nerd. He did take after his father. He had Blake's eyes but his hair was like his late mother's.

"Yes, but he doesn't have to know that. " Tallulah said nervously.

"I can help."

"Really? Thanks Sean. You're the best!! " Tallulah jumped to hug her brother.

The family was leaving for Giza, Egypt. It was because of Blake's transfer. Everyone was against leaving New York, but Tallulah stood by Blake. She knew that it was important for the family, but she also had her own motives. Giza was the place where her birth father was born and she was super excited to move there.

"So what book got you thinking so hard that you forgot to pack all your things ?" Sean asked.

"It's called Return Of the Goddess."

"So what's bothering you exactly? "

"Well, the author says that Archeologists tell us that the Egyptians never traveled beyond the Nile delta because they didn’t have the materials, Knowledge, or desire. While her Research shows the misconceptions, and in some cases downright lies perpetrated by the rigid thinking of academia and the dark ones that conceal our connections to the Truth. Why would someone want to hide what's true? " Tallulah questioned.

"Well, in the past some people did some really cruel things and their descendants hide them so they're not thought about the same way. I mean people can hold grudges for years. "

"Makes sense I guess ."

"Let it go T. We're already late for the airport."

"Yeah, you're right. We should head downstairs."

But it was never easy for Tallulah to let go of things. Once something got in her mind, it wouldn't come out until she knew exactly why. She definitely wasn't a quitter. And she was going to figure it out on way or another. She thought that maybe the plane ride would help her think. It would be a nice change of scenery.

After the long plane ride, the Carano's boarded their rented cars and headed to the manor that belonged to Tallulah's father. He left everything for Tallulah in his will and she was the legal owner of thousands of yards of property. Well, it was her mother's until Tallulah turned eighteen. But same thing right? As they reached there, they were astounded to see the old, beautiful manor that they'd be living in during their stay in Giza. As the family began unloading the car they were greeted by the house keeper, Madame Mississippi. She was tall, witted and she looked like she had the strength of a Russian mad man.

"Welcome. You must be the new family."

She gave the family refreshments and then the keys to their rooms. The house was huge. It was three stories high and each floor had 8 rooms. It was nothing less than a mansion. It was almost ancient. Strange paintings were everywhere. They were paintings of Pharaoh's, magicians and the gods of Egypt. It was absolutely weird. The manor had a huge library filled with books about the family. It was heaven for Tallulah. She roamed around the halls with Sean. There were paintings in every room of the manor. Most of these were paintings of Isis. She was a major goddess in ancient Egyptian religion whose worship spread throughout the Greco-Roman world. She was believed to help the dead enter the afterlife as she had helped Osiris, and she was considered the divine mother of the pharaoh, who was likened to Horus. Her maternal aid was invoked in healing spells to benefit ordinary people.

"This place is amazing, don't you agree Sean? "

"I'm leaning more towards creepy". Her brother smirked.

"How long are we staying here. I miss all my friends in New York. And the heat here is just unbearable. " Bella complained.

Bella was the "pretty one". Pretty vicious Tallulah thought. She and Bella never got along. Bella was like a high class princess. She almost always acted like a spoiled rich kid. She was short, but her blonde locks and beautiful blue eyes made up for that. She was older than Tallulah and for some reason was jealous of her. She was the popular kid but still, to her Tallulah was competition.

"I'll try to be as quick as possible sweetie ".
Blake assured his daughter.

While everybody picked rooms and started to unpack, Tallulah wandered off into the city which wad bathing in the orange glow of the sunset. As she walked, she noticed strange things. Things you wouldn't normally see, but that was the beauty of it. It was her homeland and she loved everything inch of it. She looked around the marketplace and met a strange old lady. She was a psychic and was sitting in a little tent. She even had a little crystal ball. She was quite delightful until she held Tallulah's hand and uttered some strange things.

"When the mighty have fallen in battle,
And the innocent no longer weep.
When all diseases are memories,
And promises easy to keep,
Then we recognize the Voodoo around us.
And no longer have need of the popes.
And the simplest is seen as the chosen one,
Who carries the dreams and the hopes. "
The old lady uttered.

This frightened Tallulah. One moment she's chatting all nice and friendly and the next she's declaring some sort of prophecy. She quickly walked out of the tent and tried to clear her mind. It was getting dark as she made her way to the pyramids. She snuck in the excavation site of the great pyramid of Giza. It was deadly silent there but she wasn't alone. In the shadows, she noticed a hooded figure walking there. But as soon as the figure noticed her, he started walking in a fast pace. It was as if she'd caught him red handed or something. This act of his made her curious.

"Who is that?"

She followed the dark figure to the other side of the Pyramid. Then she saw him disappear. It was like he vanished into thin air. All that she could notice was a strange fading symbol that was left behind. She was scared, confused but at the same time still curious.

"How can someone just disappear like that?"

She walked to the symbol and moved her hand across it. It was like magic. She could actually feel the tingly sensation of the remains. It was the end of the day but only the beginning of a new mystery.

Tallulah Carano and the revival of Khufu Where stories live. Discover now