Kurt Cobain was Murdered

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Ok, so the theory goes that when Kurt "committed suicide" in April, 1994, a lot of the evidence at the scene didn't line up very well. Most of the evidence points toward murder. The main suspect is his widow, Courtney Love. Now, most Nirvana fans probably don't like Courtney Love, including me, and I think it's mainly because of this. Anyway, back to the actual theory. So, the evidence I'll be focusing on will be the notes, the position of his body, and other things that come into play. So, When Kurt died, most of the evidence pointed to suicide. However, I think he was murdered, because one, Kurt couldn't have shot himself because of the amount of heroin in his system at the time, the fact that his shoes were on, which eliminates the "toe theory", and the lack of legible fingerprints on the gun or at the scene, and two, because he had NO suicidal intentions at all before he died. Exhibit number two, Courtney Love claimed to be in L.A, overdosing at the time. She also knew that Kurt had been dead for at least 36 hours before she called a private investigator to look for him. Originally, he was thought to be missing, not dead. Until an electrician that was at his house to install a security system, and he found Kurt dead in he greenhouse above his garage. Another piece of compelling evidence, is that the last few lines of the "suicide" note, don't match up with Kurt's handwriting at all. But, when compared with handwriting practice sheets in Courtney's backpack, the letters match up perfectly. That's very compelling towards the theory being completely true. Another claim to the whole "suicide" verdict, was that allegedly, Kurt bought the shotgun the day before he died, and was suicidal. But, one of his best friends stated that Kurt had actually received the gun from him as a gift, and if Kurt was actually suicidal, he would've never gotten a gun at all. So, the whole "Kurt was suicidal and bought a shotgun to kill himself" thing is completely false. Adding on to the list of evidence proving Kurt Cobain was murdered, is that Kurt never locked himself into the greenhouse of his Seattle home at all. someone was in there with him, and they staged the scene to make it look like a suicide. Another thing, there's an interview with a man who calls himself "El Duce" who claims Courtney Love offered him $50,000 to kill Kurt. While filming the documentary, "Kurt and Courtney", he was found dead on a set of train tracks. This has made me believe that he was "shut up" by Courtney Love so he couldn't reveal the truth. Pretty shifty if you ask me. Another piece of evidence would be the scene itself. Allow me to explain. Kurt allegedly locked himself in the greenhouse and barricaded the door, but that wasn't true at all, as any objects alleged to be the blockade, were halfway across the room. And, there were no legible fingerprints left by Kurt on anything at the scene, which makes me think they were deliberately wiped clean, and the scene was staged to look like a suicide. Why would Courtney do all of this you ask? Well, I think it's safe to say that she did this all for Kurt's estate, which she knew he cut her out of when he was planning on divorcing her. She also knew that he was planning on leaving everything to Frances Bean when he died, so she hired a hit man to kill him, and staged it to look like Kurt killed himself.

I give this theory 5 strawberries out of 5, because I firmly believe that it was murder, and not suicide. Courtney is guilty and she knows it.

*A/N!! This is all a theory that I strongly believe in, and I think the evidence is all there. Feel free to add on in the comments :)

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