Paul Is Dead?

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Ok, so, I'm going to be covering one of the most famous music conspiracy theories ever. The Paul is Dead theory. Much to my dismay. Anyways, into the theory. This theory begins in 1966, when Paul was allegedly in a fatal car crash, and the Beatles replaced him with a lookalike so as not to upset fans. Feeling guilty about it, they hid several clues to Paul's "death" in their next few albums. The White Album, Abbey Road, and Sgt. Pepper. Let's take a look at these clues, shall we? On the cover of the album, Abbey Road, there are several clues to this theory being true. For example, the license plate on the white Volkswagen Beetle says 28IF. This signifies the age Paul would've been if he survived this alleged car crash. Another clue, the most recognizable, is how they are dressed. John, leading the line, is dressed in all white, like a priest or clergyman, Ringo is dressed in all black, like a mourner, Paul is also dressed in all black, but is barefoot, like a corpse, and out of step with the others. He also held a cigarette, also known as a "coffin nail" in his right hand. George, who was at the back of the line, was dressed in jeans and a blue shirt, like a grave digger. This has made people believe that they are reenacting a funeral procession. Another album we will be looking at is Sgt. Pepper. On this album, there is a good bit of evidence for this theory as well. This would include the flowers arranged into the shape of a bass guitar, the patch on Paul's shoulder, and the left hand over his head. It is widely known that the yellow flowers arranged into the shape of a bass is a tribute to his deceased best friend Stuart Sutcliffe, who died of a brain hemorrhage in 1962. Or was it? According to theorists, this bass-shaped floral arrangement is actually a clue into Paul's death. Another bit of evidence is the fact that in Russia, yellow flowers are generally seen as an omen of death, and are only seen at funerals. Another thing about the floral arrangement, would be the fact that it only has three strings, which symbolizes Paul being the "missing string,"  Let's take a look at the hand over Paul's head. The man behind Paul has his hand over his head, with an open palm. This is supposed to symbolize a priest blessing the deceased before he is interred into his resting place. Another thing is the inside of the record sleeve. This is because theorists believe that the Paul we see sitting there next to John is not Paul, but is instead a dummy, being propped up by John for the photo. And, on his left arm, there is a patch. There has been some debate over what the letters on the patch actually are. Which leads me to the next piece of evidence, Paul says that the letters are actually O.P.P, which stand for Ontario Provincial Police. But, theorists say the letters are O.P.D, which stand for Officially Pronounced Dead. This is all very compelling evidence for this theory.

In all, I give this theory 3.5 strawberries out of 5, because although it's a good theory, I don't believe it. In my opinion, this theory is a bit of a stretch

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