Chapter 2

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A/N  Hiro's design is the picture above👆

I finally arrived home. Thank god. As I walked into the small apparent I put on the lights. Finally some silence, I thought as I took off my headphones and walked towards the kitchen. When I opened the fridge, I took out some leftovers and heated them in the microwave, eating them afterwards. It wasn't very much though, leaving my stomach growling slightly. 'No you shouldn't eat more Hiro. You'll get fat.' I thought to myself as I did the dishes. After putting my plates back into the cupboards, I walked onto the balcony and sat down on the railing. Lighting a cigarette in the process. I inhaled and exhaled the smoke for about an hour, finishing half a packet, before deciding to go back inside and go to sleep. It was 11 PM already. Changing into my night shirt and brushing my teeth. I looked at the clock once more. 11.15 PM. 'I should really go to sleep.' I thought as I walked into my bedroom and flopped onto the mattress that was laying on the ground. After a few minutes my eyelids felt heavy and I fell into complete darkness.


After a few hours I woke up in my dark room. Opening my phone to see that it was only 3 AM. 'Fuck this. If I want to sleep tonight I'm going to need something strong.' I walked into the kitchen and opened a random bottle of booze. After taking multiple, rather large, swings I began feeling the effect of the alcohol. "Aaaaah..." I groaned out. "Just loveley." Taking even more large swings from the bottle, the alcohol started to blur my mind. My drunk self starting to take over once again. I walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. "Ah look at you filthy piece of shit. You're useless, no wonder that no one from Nekoma has contacted you! They don't fucking care!" I started shouting at myself. Rambling about how useless I am, until I snapped once again. I punched the mirror until it shattered. "You deserve this pain Hiro!" I told myself. The shards of the mirror stuck out of my hand. While walking out of the bathroom toward the balcony I pulled the shards out of my hand. Not even flinching at the pain. Opening the door and walking outside, feeling the cold air hit my skin. It calmed me, but only slightly. I sat onto the railing and started to smoke again. Once I almost finished the first one, I put it out on my leg and lit a new one once again. This continued until I finished the other half of the pack. After that I walked back inside, forgetting to close the door to the balcony, to the kitchen where I had left the bottle of booze. I took one last swing and put it back into the cupboard, with all of the other booze. The bedroom was too far for my drunk mind, so I sat in a chair besides the window before falling asleep once again.


The next day at school had been horrible. I had a really bad hangover and was angry at myself for letting go again. 'I really shouldn't have drank last night.' I thought while walking into the changing rooms. Being the only one there made me slightly more comfortable. I pulled off my shirt and trousers, wincing a little as I did. Once I pulled my volleyball shorts up I heard the door behind me open. Swiftly I put on my shirt and turned around, seeing someone in the door opening staring at me. "What?" Was the only thing I asked while walking out. No response.


Sugawara's POV
It was time for practice and I had heard that Ito-san hadn't been in the best mood today, which signaled me that I should be more careful when talking to him. Being late already I went to the changing rooms as fast as I could. When I opened the door, I didn't expect anyone to be there. Boy was I wrong. Ito-san was standing there, his back bare, full of what looked like scars. But before I could really see anything he'd already put on his shirt and walked past me. "What?" Was all he said as he walked past me. I didn't know what to say, so decided to stay silent. When he was away, I changed as fast as I could and sprinted into the gym. All that while thinking, 'What the hell were those things on his back?!'. Yes my motherly instincts were kicking in. Though when I walked in, Tsukishima made a snarky comment once again. "Ne Sugawara-san, why are you so late?" I just ignored it, knowing he got a kick out of it if I'd react. After that, training started.


After the training I was exhausted. Hinata and Kageyama fought a bit and Tsukishima kept making snarky comments towards Tanaka. Daichi and I had to keep the team in line, which is very tiring. 'Ito was very quiet in comparison to yesterday, maybe it is because I walked in on him... no I don't think so, there's something more to it. I can feel it, he was not himself today, at least that's what Tanaka told me.' "Oi Suga-san! Come on and help us clean!" Nishinoya shouted. "Oh yeah, sorry!" I said with a sheepish smile while rubbing the back of my neck. Soon after, we were done cleaning. Daichi was sitting on a bench and I decided to join him. "Sawamura..." He turned to me. "Yes Koshi?" He asked curiously. "I'm worried for Ito-san, even though I don't really know him. My instincts are telling me that something's wrong." I whisper to him as the team walks out of the gym. "I'll try to get into contact with Nekoma's captain." He sais as he stands up, offering a hand to help me. I take it and thank him. "No problem Koshi-kun." He sais teasingly, giving me a wink. I blush and just nod. After changing we walk home together and when we arrive at my house I give him a peck on the cheek, making him blush. I smile silently and walk away.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 24, 2018 ⏰

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