Mycroft's Ultimatum [Susanna]

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A long while later, Sherlock and I hear the front door open and footsteps ascending the stairs. I straighten up and look at Sherlock, whose eyes have hardened. I shift to get off the chair but Sherlock presses me gently to him, "It's Mycroft."

"Mycroft?" As soon as I finish saying his name, the man in question walks into 221B, twirling his umbrella like always. His eyes are almost dead, with a dangerous twinkle that belies his opinion of the sight before him. He smiles near sarcastically and taps his umbrella onto the floor.

"Well you two have become quite the pair, haven't you?" He whistles. Sherlock sits up straighter, his back stiff as a board, and pulls me closer. I let my hands fall into my lap and I shift to see Mycroft better.

"What do you want, Mycroft? If it's another one of your dull cases then I-"

"Unfortunately I do not have any more cases with which to afflict you. No, I came to... discuss this development now that I have pinned the both of you."

Sherlock snorts, "Development? Mycroft, what is there to discuss? Susanna and I are courting and you have no say in our courtship."

"Unwise, though not unexpected of you to say, brother mine," Mycroft walks to John's chair and sits down, "You always were the emotional one."

"I wonder why. Oh! I now remember that I don't care." I feel Sherlock's muscles lock up so I put out one of my hands, taking one of his and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Good grief, Sherlock, you've certainly fallen deep into the flaw called sentiment." Mycroft comments. I notice a flash in his eyes that is quickly mirrored in Sherlock's.

"If you came to berate my girlfriend then please, show yourself out, brother mine." Sherlock challenges.

"Berate is such a strong word. I didn't come to berate her," Mycroft spins his umbrella in one hand, "I came to-"

"She already knows, Mycroft. She knows about my past addictions." Sherlock cuts off, his patience ebbing. I squeeze his hand tighter and give him a look.

Mycroft sharpens his scowl, "While that is progress, I did not come here to talk about your drug abuse. I came to talk about Susanna's lack of utility."

"Utility?!" I repeat, more than a little rebuffed. Sherlock stiffens again.

"She is not your underling nor your agent, Mycroft. She is my girlfriend and Rosie's nanny. I would not dare say that she has a lack of utility."

Mycroft's expression sours even more and a feeling of dread shoots up my spine.

"Then let me rephrase myself if I must. Susanna is not functioning at her potential. Even her father has expressed his concerns." I purse my lips.

"What concerns would my Dad have that he hasn't already confronted me with, Mycroft?"

Mycroft shifts, "It is my understanding that you have the skills for espionage and do not use them, Susanna."

"I have already told him and my Mom that I am not interested in their field of work."

"If you're interested in being the sentimental partner of the world's only consulting detective, then I suggest you reconsider," His eyes narrow, "You must prove useful in some respect other than as a babysitter and nonessential body pillow." I puff and glare hotly at him.

"For being a man so fixed on proper classification and designations, that was a horrendously sloppy and inaccurate job of defining me, Mycroft. I am a Psychologist and Behavorial Developmental Professional currently specializing in pediatrics. I am also trained in Forensic Science. In regards to the world's singular consulting detective, the term is girlfriend." I hiss through my teeth. My response knocks Mycroft off his cushy pedestal and he shifts uncomfortably.

"She is not a nonessential body pillow, Mycroft. And she isn't expendable." Sherlock adds, his voice dripping with warning.

"Surely you can pick apart that statement and see that I am here to recruit Susanna," Mycroft cuts in. Sherlock tenses up and uncrosses his legs, resting both arms on the armrests, "If she is going to become a permanent companion of yours, Sherlock, be rest assured that she must prove herself worthy of that title. She must be of use."

"She isn't John-"

"Exactly. She is a woman still in her prime with a spectrum of abilities and attributes that would prove most useful were they applied to cases."

"That's a backhanded compliment if I ever heard one," I retort and heave myself up out of Sherlock's lap, "So I suppose then that my Dad wants me to prove to him that I can take care of myself while courting Sherlock?"

Mycroft says nothing, responding only with a pointed smirk. I put my hands on my hips again and Sherlock crosses his arms, "So your Ultimatum is that Susanna must prove useful to you and your purposes while satisfying her father's concerns if you are going to accept our courtship?"

"I can't have you entertaining such follies with one who is not worthy of them, Sherlock," Mycroft stands up and walks past me to the door, "You are inexperienced with sentiment and it could be your downfall."

Sherlock and I remain silent as he leaves 221B. Once Mycroft has exited the building Sherlock taps the armrests, "Mycroft measures people in how useful they are to him. He doesn't want-"

"Me around you if I can't be at his disposal in one way or another." I finish. Sherlock nods and puts his hands together.


I press my lips together and roll them while my mind evaluates Mycroft's ultimatum. Maybe it wouldn't hurt if I proved to him and my Dad that I can handle life with Sherlock by taking on a case.

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