Poolside Play

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Sherlock and John entered the poolhouse slowly and cautiously. The former strained to hear any signs of Susanna or her captors as he stepped forward. Both poised for a firefight and steeled themselves for the inevitable confrontation before opening the doors to the pool and stepping inside.

It was almost completely dark, with the exception of the submerged lamps and a couple overhead lights. The smell of recently refreshed pool chemicals was potent and made John's eyes water a bit.

"Show yourself, Jay," Sherlock called out, "Or don't you want an audience for your criminal mastery?"

"If only Moriarty were here, the scene would be perfect," A deep, masculine voice echoed through the dark, "It took you longer than I had predicted it would to get here. I suppose the traffic was terrible?"

"I'm not here to talk about the traffic with you. Step out and release Susanna." Sherlock demanded.

"I never said that I would release her. I just invited you to join us, Mister Holmes," Heavy footsteps began to click against the pool tiles, "Of course it wouldn't be complete without you, Doctor Watson, whom I'm sure is relieved that his daughter wasn't the one that was abducted. Actually, it's harder to get away with a crime against children than it is against an adult. So it worked out for the better I suppose. I'm sure your network would have noticed two figures with a screaming toddler in hand, rather than two maintenance workers with their equipment."

"Release Susanna. Now."

"There's no need for me to rush."

"I'm certain we can provide you with more than a few reasons to hurry up your release of Susanna." John piped up and stood closer to Sherlock, ready to draw his firearm.

"So Doctor Watson cares for Susanna as well? That's excellent actually. It'll be like killing two birds with one stone, so to speak."

"Show yourself." Sherlock demanded once more.

"The name's Jerome Waterston. And right now," The rest of the lights flicked on, "I'm the one who'll be making demands."

"Release Susanna." Sherlock pressed, his voice raising as he took in their opponent. Jerome tsked and bounced on his heels.

"But she's such a fun plaything for me and Alexis. Really, quite a doll. A ragdoll, to be accurate. Moriarty would have loved playtime with her. I must say she's a loyal pet of yours-"

"She's not a pet."

"Whatever. She's got such faith in you. I enjoyed watching her wilt when you didn't come within three hours. Seriously, you might be losing your touch, Sherlock." The detective stiffened and squared his shoulders.

"Where is she?!" Sherlock took a few strides and drew his pistol, aiming it and releasing the safety. John followed suit as Jerome clicked his tongue.

"I suppose that this won't get any more entertaining unless you see her. Oh, very well then. Alex!!"

The door, from where almost six years before Moriarty had exited, opened and Alex walked out. Behind her she pulled Susanna, gagged and tied around her wrists. She looked terribly weak and sick- a shade of grayish green that made John wish they'd called for an ambulance already.

There were burn marks along her arms and her hair had been burnt on the lower part. They'd obviously beaten her, given the number of bruises visible. Sherlock felt his heart drop as he saw what they had done to her.

Alex halted about a meter from the poolside and Jerome made his way to her side, followed by Sherlock and John's guns. Susanna was disoriented and in pain, given her struggle to stay standing and keep her eyes open. Sherlock fought the urge to shoot both Jerome and Alex where they stood, his only motivation being Susanna.

They could easily use her as a shield, or kill her after dodging. Too much risk.

"Sherlock..." John questioned, unsure of their next move. Sherlock pursed his lips and stayed still.

Jerome snickered, "Now that all the players are assembled, the game can begin."

"Game?" John was trying to see what Jerome was trying to accomplish. Sherlock had already grasped the objective and gestured for the shorter blonde to silence.

"Is this your attempt at burning me, Waterston?" Sherlock inquired.

"Of course. You have a heart, after all. Why not burn it out? Like Moriarty planned?"

"Release Susanna. I figured it out."

"Mmmm- No."

"Let. Her. Go."

Jerome shook his head and rummaged through his pockets, "Nope. Obviously you haven't figured out the game, so we'll begin."

He extracted a cigarette lighter and grabbed Susanna from behind, pulling her chin up to expose her throat. She struggled limply against him and Sherlock scowled, "Don't!"

But the flame came on and the psychopath held the flicker close to the scar, "How does that feel?"

Sherlock knew the question was for him. He growled as Susanna whimpered, "Let her go!" He took three long strides and John followed.

Jerome stopped the flame and guffawed, "Make me, Detective."

Thank you for reading!!

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