Chapter one: School pt 1

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"Ahhh! Im gonna be late!! curse that stupid alarm clock for not waking me up!!" Yuki muttered under her breath while rushing to change and have a piece of bread before rushing to school. Oh how rude of me I never introduced myself yet. (I'm Yuki Sawada, and am currently rushing to school as my alarm clock did not wake me up so I go to Namimori middle school and is currently known as the notorious rebel in the entire school and i have an IQ of 400 and come from a rich family and got kidnapped once but got over it am told to play simple only my childhood friends know about this no one.)

"Yuki, what are you doing standing in the middle of the road?" my friend Rina asked, Rina is one of my childhood friends and we waited for the others to arrive. So while waiting I answered her "Sorry Rina, I was just doing some thinking." we chatting, a pair of twins arrived and said "hi/sup" and we returned their greeting with a good morning and those two twins are, Yama and Yuno they are both boys. Then a slivered hair boy named Subaru came and said "Good morning everyone." and we all returned it with a smile and just like that we will walk to school.
At the school gate, Hiku the head prefect greeted all of us and told us to quickly go to class and will catch up with us later.

When we reached school, everyone was nearly in class except for a old retarded bastard who is the stupid teacher and as soon as sat down, the bastard appeared and started to teach my most hated subject MATH!!!! -_-||

SO after two stupid boring hours of doodling and handing in homework, it was another of my hated subjects GEOGRAPHY -.- . So when class started i placed my homework on my table and fell alsleep. While napping, i heard the teacher talking about the water shortages around the world and the water pollution happening and she told everyone to do a project about it in groups of 5/6 people per group perfect for all of us. And started to teach again then when she was teaching, she called out for people to answer questions and on one of them, she called me out but i was trying my best to ignore the constant shout of my name and the snickering and giggling but i did not manage to so i banged the table as hard as possible and shouted " WOULD YOU F**KING STOP CALLING MY NAME I KNOW MY NAME SOUNDS AWESOME BUT IT IS NOT FOR CONSTANT SHOUTING YOU STUPID OLD HAG!!! AS FOR MY CLASSMATES, STOP GIGGLING AND SNICKERING BEHIND MY BACK DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW ANNOYING IT IS?!?!?!" and got "......... slience......." from everyone.  Then i asked with a pissed tone, " old hag" the idiot got shocked and answered with a scared "yes?" "old hag what did you want to ask me earlier?" "Oh, yes i wanted to ask you what did i say earlier when class started till now?"

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