Side profile (1)

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Hey my beloved readers today i wanted to do a special side profile on the people you all so far have seen. Done on 16/06/2014


Side Profile no.1

Name: Yuki (last name unknown)


Birthday: 12 April

Place of birth:  Namimori, Japan


Relationship status: Single (her father does not want her to have a boyfriend)

Siblings: none

Eye Color: Caramel brown

Hair color: Brown

Hairstyle Tied into a beautiful braid

Length: Waist-Long


Mother: Unknown

Work: A very famous singer in a trio, actress and model and top assasin in Varia and is ranked 2nd for most beautiful in the familgia and is ranked 5th for the strongest women in the vongola.

Status: Alive

Father: Unknown

Work: A boss of the world's richest and largest company

Status: Alive

Likes: Her friends, Pizza, Sushi, Soba, Ramen, the colors Orange and Blue.

Dislikes: School, Teachers, Her classmates excluding her friends and studying.

Friends so far: Yama, Yuno, Hiku, Rina, Subaru

Type of flame: Sky and a little bit of Rain


She has an IQ of 400 and has already compeleted college but went back to middle school to meet people her age. She was told to keep a low profile and act normal and is not allowed to tell anyone about her IQ but is allowed to tell a specific number of people whom she trusts and is known as the most notorious student in their school because of her attitude towards the teachers. Although she scores perfectly in every test snd exam.



Profile no. 2

Name: Rina Rokudo

Age: 14

Birthday: 7 June

Place of birth: Seoul, Korea

Gender: Female

Relationship status: Single (doesn't see anyone worthy of being with her)

Siblings: Hiku (they are half siblings)

Eye color: purple and blue (inherited from parents)

Hair color: Purple-ish blue

Hair style: Like her parents' hair

Length: Waist-long


Mother: Chrome Dokuro

Work: Very famous Model, actress and in a trio with Kyoko and Haru, also the Mist gurdian in the vongola tenth and ranked and is ranked 4th for the most beautiful women in the vongola and ranked 3rd for the strongest women in the familgia.

Status: Alive

Father: Rokudo Mukuro

Work: Model and same Mist guardian for the vongola tenth.

Status: Alive

Likes: Black and dark colored things, Fries, Sushi, Soba, parents and ramen

Dislikes:Crazy fangirls who make to much noise and create a ruckus

Friends so far: Yuki, Yama, Yuno

Type of flame: Mist and Cloud


Born in a rich family. She is very close to Yuki


Profile no. 3

Name: Hiku Kyoya

Age: 14

Place of birth: Seoul, Korea

Gender: Male

Relationship status: Single (there are no girls that attract me yet)

Siblings: Rina (Half siblings)

Eye Color: Steel (Like Hibari Kyoya's eyes)

Hair color: Black

Hairstyle: Like Hibari Kyoya's hairstyle ten years ago when he was in Namimori middle

Length: Short


Mother: Haru Miura

Work: A very famous model, actress, Trio with Kyoko and Chrome, another top assassin in Varia and is ranked 5th most beautiful women in the vongola familigia and ranked 6th for the strongest women in the familgia.

Father: Hibari Kyoya

Work: Cloud guardian for the tenth generation, and journalist.

Status: Alive

Likes: Namimori Middle, The disciplinary comitee and his gadgets.

Dislikes: Crowding in the school, too much noise and people who disobey school rules.

Friends so far: Yuki, Yama, Yuno, Juu Gu

Type of flame: Cloud with a bit of Mist

Past/Present: Hiku being the son of Hibari Kyoya, he is sort made to fight he every second... . And being the head disciplinary along with Rina, they are both known to "bite them to death". They are feared by every single student and sometimes teachers. And Rina and Hiku are half siblings so they treasure each other very much. But how they became half siblings will be told in another time.

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