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Landon will get his he wants to act like he doesn't want to be bothered in getting to know my past... well forget him then. I️ haven't spoken to him since that night. He's even had the nerve to try and think by having sex it would solve anything. He got denied on that too.

My FaceTime was ringing and I see it jasmine. Oh boy...

"Hey I'm officially done with this idiot

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"Hey I'm officially done with this idiot. He doesn't even seem interested in what I️ have to say. So I️ say we book those tickets and go to New York with our children and don't let them know when we leave" she quickly said.

"Damn Prima... breathe when you talk. But damn that's a good idea. Maybe if we make them worry it might strike something in them".

"Exactly... I️ left before I'm not scared to leave again. He wants to act like an asshole Well now you can be alone and be an asshole" she sipped her coffee and smiled.

"I️ missed the old jasmine. Welcome back bitch!" I️ laughed.

"You look good where you going?" She asked.

"You look good where you going?" She asked

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"Oh this I️m not going anywhere. I️ was trying on this wig which has me feeling myself" I️ said.

"Well whenever you can book these tickets and I'll give you the money whenever I️ see you. Karma is a bitch" jasmine said.

I️ nodded "will do Prima. Seems quiet in your house where everyone at?".

"Well CJ is sleeping and the girls are at school and the asshole... last time I️ checked he's at work".

"Ah, yes it's a school day. Forgot. So we doing this over spring break?" I asked.

She nodded "yup, perfect timing too".

"Okay... well let me get Cameron and book these tickets and I'll email it to you on the secret email" jasmine nodded and ended the call abruptly. Which means JR must've came home.

Dancing a little because now we have a plan and these boys will feel the karma in which they deserve. I️ didn't think I️ would have to do this to Landon, ever. But I️ guess you really don't know someone truly.

Hearing the door open and shut I️ looked at the time and seen it was early. Why is he home so early today?. Footsteps came closer to where I️ was. "Hey baby" he said. I️ didn't respond I️ kept my mouth shut.

He stopped "Cyn? I'm talking to you". I️ didn't say anything. He's not worth my energy today. Especially when he doesn't want to hear anything I️ have to say lately.

"Still on this ridiculous silent treatment?" He asked. Still nothing... I️ choose not to respond to him. He sighed loudly and walked away. I️ turned around and flipped him off.

Now to book these tickets...


Spring break weekend was here so the girls were out of school for a week. Which gives us enough time. Jasmine and I️ packed a week ahead and hid everything. Landon left for work and so did JR we waited for about an hour to make sure they didn't come home.

That's when we got it suitcases and got our children dressed and ready to go. We got to the airport and got onto the plane with no issues. New York here we come!.

About 5 hours later we arrived to New York. The fresh polluted air was refreshing to me. "Mommy why are we back here? Did you leave daddy?" Julissa asked.

"No silly we are on vacation" jasmine said.

"How come daddy isn't here if we are on vacation?" She asked.

"Julissa mind your business and have fun okay" I️ said. She crossed her arms over her chest and did t say anything else.

"So are we staying at grandmas old place?" I️ asked jasmine. She nodded "yup, let's go!". We packed into a taxi and was on our way to grandma nena's house.

We got to grandmas old apartment which was spacious and big. We settled in and jasmine and I️ smiled knowing our plan was in motion. Each of us blocked their numbers on our phones just Incase they called which they will. That alone will have Landon going crazy.

"So how long do you think it'll take before they find out where we are?" I️ asked.

"Good question... I️ don't know cause they don't know the block like that so it'll take some time".

"True... oh well! Serves them right for being inconsiderate assholes".

"Exactly... anyway I'm hungry. Chinese?" Jasmine asked. I️ nodded I️ haven't had Chinese in a long ass time. And plus even though Julissa was upset she seemed to be getting comfortable since she used to live here a while back.

And now let the games begin...

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