《Chapter 58》Let's Make The Best of Temporary

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《Kelsey POV》

"No," I sighed.

He pursed his lips in a disapointed manner, looking down at my hands.

"Why?" he whispered.

I used my other hand to put the mask back on once the room started to spin...and nausea set in.

"Liam..we are.. we're so young," I murmured, and Liam shook his head.

"That wouldn't matter if you really loved me," I gasped before furrowing my eyebrows in disapointment.

"Liam...I would never.. I..wouldn't even have to think twice to marry you if.. if we weren't in this situation, " I fought back against his answer. He smiled, before playing with my fingers.

"Reverse Psychology. . That's not the reason then, thankfully...," he then realized something and looked up.

"Current situation..." he questioned in a revolting matter.

"That shouldn't matter," he finished.

I frustratingnly closed my eyes. I wanted so badly to say yes... but I knew it was.. not worth it.

"Liam, it does.. I want you to marry a girl who's going to love you the way I did. Do anything to make sure you stay happy... and never hurts you like I did," Liam was going to argue, before he saw my eyes water... and let me continue.

"A girl that's going to be by your side til you're old and grey.. when you've forgotten your name even when the crowds still remember them...A girl that's going to help you up when youre down, because we both know I won't be able to... and just love you more than I ever wanted to," He looked down now..and I knew my words were stabbing him as much as they were destroying me.

I wanted him forever. But that was never going to happen now.

"I don't want you to get more attatched to me than I already am... I'm a time bomb..and I'll hurt you too much, I know it," I kept a straight face as I explained. He looked at me, straight in the eye, sadness in the beautiful brown.

"Then why don't you let me try and defuse that bomb?"

I laughed at how my metaphor continued, but Liam only cracked a smile, just moving along as his heart must've been tearing apart.

"Because there's no time left, and the closer you are, the harder the blow," I tugged him to get closer to me subconsciously as I spoke words that were opposing what I was doing.

I scooted to the side, and he slid in.. without a word.

"I'll take my chances," he whispered with a sniffle..

"I want you to take those chances, but then I dont, " I admitted so confusingly.

"You're so indecisive," Liam chuckled before letting out a deep sigh. I knew he meant at how I tell him to leave, but only make him stay. I smiled... the guilt setting in.

"No, I'm just selfish, " I breathed as I set my head against his chest...the action sending a feeling of safety, of home.

Liam shuffled to turn his body a bit, looking at me in anger.

"Who in the world would ever make you believe that you are anywhere near selfish?" he rose his voice as he sniffled.

"Myself," I traced  broken hearts onto his torso with my finger.

"Why?" he said angrily.

"Because I just want this pain to go away... and you make it go away... but..," I sighed.

"But?" Liam' s voice was low, his curiosity barely hiding his pain.

"But it's only temporary for me... my selfishness will hurt you and so many others in the long run," I cried again

Liam held me tighter, snuggly, still careful.

"Don't care about me so much, Kels... because there's only one thing that I am going to do, and that is love you, because you're all I need," his breath fell against my ear, his words bittersweet.

"And vise versa, Liam..I need you with me. That's all," I admitted guiltily as I snuggled closer into the cave of his neck, smelling his light cologne as a rememberance.

"Then marry me," he sighed softly. I shook my head.

Liam suddenly twitched, and i knew it was one of his 'I got an idea'  twitches. I closed my eyes... hoping he'd stop trying to convince me.

"Kelsey, because I know just how hardheaded you are, I'll respect your words... even if I dare to disagree, " He sent his lips into my forehead before pulling me up to his face and kissing my jaw.

"And if this is. .. temporary, " his voice shook at the word.

"Then let's make the best of it...," he said decisively, continuously kissing me before suddenly sliding out of bed slowly.

I look up at him, desperately flustered.

"Where are you going?" I breathed... before he squeezed my hand I had forgotten we had intertwined. His smile was warming, unlike his swollen eyes and wet tears.

He sniffled, kissing my palm before letting go.

"I'll be right back. I'm going to go talk to your parents," he murmured.

I rose an eyebrow.

"For what?"

His smile grew as he thought of something.

"I want you to see new places, create the best memories, " he said with a little less pain.

His brown eyes were sincere as he read my confusion...

"Kelsey,I want to take you on tour with me,"


" All around America," he grinned.

I couldn't help but smile.

Kidney Donor// Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now