Thanksgiving with mommy

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Kevin was bummed when their flight to Texas was canceled due to a snowstorm that hit Texas the day that they were going to fly out, but he made a back-up plan for the girls cause they were still going to have Thanksgiving no matter the outcome is or happens cause they were a family, and they will always be a family

"Morning Fawn why are you up so early this morning? I thought you will still be in bed still sleeping like the girls are this morning cause they are out like logs" he asks as he comes downstairs with Addy who woke up before her sisters that morning and he was going to tend to her as well

"Getting the pies in the oven as well as all the other goodies that we can have with our girls for supper is all i want to make it as homemade as i can and make memories too with them cause we have one shot at this, and i don't want to ruin it either" she says as she takes the baby from him, so she can feed Addy her breakfast that morning cause she was a hungry baby that morning for some reason, and Kevin was going to take care of that for her so she could eat like a big girl she was as well

Kevin got started on breakfast for Fawn and the girls cause he wanted to make this one better the the one that they had earlier in the week cause he wanted to redeem himself, and prove that he was a great cook

"Morning my beautiful angels sleep well last night" he says when he sees Bostyn and Anna appeared with their teddy's after a while as he was making breakfast for everyone, and the girls went to their table with their teddies

Both girls wave to him as they rub the sleep from their eyes as well cause they were not fully awake yet either and Kevin was okay with that and he knew they were going to go back to bed later on the parents hope

"Daddy made you guys a special breakfast this morning and after breakfast we are going to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade that has some of your favorite characters, and some marching bands for mommy" he says as he lifts them into the booster seat, so they could enjoy their breakfast that daddy made them

"How are you girls liking the waffles that i made you/" he asks as he sits down to join them for breakfast

The girls loved their waffles and they asked for a second helping which Kevin was more then happy to make for them

"Okay a couple more blueberry waffles coming up" he says as he goes back into the kitchen to make more waffles

The girls ate their fruit that was on their plate. Bostyn dipped hers in the dip that mommy put out for them

"Bostyn do you like marshmallow?" he asks her

"Yes daddy" she says between bites

Kevin was glad that the girls were healthy eaters and ate their fruits and veggies whenever they were served them

"Okay girls here are more blueberry waffles along with some fruit" he tells them

"I take it the girls are still eating?" Fawn  asks him

"Yeah they asked for second helpings, so i think they are going through a growth spurt right now which is perfectly fine cause that means they are healthy and are growing as they should for their ages" he says as he goes back to eating breakfast and enjoying the girls cause they were so cute as they ate their breakfast

After breakfast Fawn goes back to making the Thanksgiving feast while Kevin stayed with the girls and Addy in the other room after he did the dishes for Fawn. The girls loved seeing Sesame street as well as their other favorites that they loved to watch, and they loved seeing the marching bands as well as the musicals

"Fawn I think we have future musicians in our mist" he calls to the kitchen when he saw the girls mock the musicians as they were playing their instruments

'Oh we do we?" she asks him cause she was happy that the girls were going to be musicians like she was and maybe if she was lucky they were going to play the same instrument she played in high school and if they were she was going to be doomed for the rest of her life

"We do cause Anna is in here dancing along and trying to sing along with the performers, and Bostyn is pretending to play an instrument" he says as he was watching the girls as they were moving with the music

"Maybe we will right now we will have to wait until they are older, so they could tell us what they want to do, and then go from there i guess cause i will be okay with either lessons for them" she says as she joins her husband and her little girls who were really enjoying the parade at the moment cause they were in ahh of everything that they were seeing and they could not get enough of it right now which blew Kevin's and Fawn mind right now

"Yeah and if they want to play sports that is fine with me too" he says as Fawn goes back into the kitchen to get lunch going for the girls cause they were going to be hungry in a few hours if they were going to be running around and acting like a bunch of monkeys at the zoo

After the parade the girls wanted to watch the dog show with daddy, so they could cheer Sophie's breed on as she competed for best in show


"Girls lunch is ready"Fawn calls to them

"Mommy can we eat outside?" Bostyn asks her

"Sure I'll have daddy bring your lunch out to you" Fawn tells them

Bostyn and Anna go to their little picnic table, so they could eat lunch outside, and enjoy the sunshine

"Maybe after lunch daddy can take you guys to the park while mommy continues to cook" he suggest as he brings the tray out to them

The girls were in agreement to go to the park while mommy cooks

"Don't worry Addy I didn't forget about you sweet girl" he says as he goes in to get the baby that was crying at the top of her lungs

Fawn gave him the bottle that she had ready when he wanted to feed Addy

"Thank you babe maybe the little girl will fall asleep after they run around for a little bit" Fawn  says as she continues to cook

"Maybe we will have to see what happens at the park" he says as he feeds Addy her bottle

Addy took the bottle for daddy and let out some good burps for him

"I think she has a present for you Kevin" Fawn says when she smells Addy's behind

"I think so too" he says as he goes to the nursery to change her, so he could take the girls to the park to have fun and be little girls

(After the park)

" Fawn you were right all of the girls fell asleep at the park" he says as he comes in with Addy who was fast asleep in daddy's arms

"I know the girls on days like this I take them to the park we feed the ducks, and they play on the playground while I stay with Addy since they don't have a baby baby swings for her" Fawn tells him

"They do now, and Addy loved in, and the girls loved the huge playground the most, so I'm thinking I got to build them a playset very soon" he says as he goes out to get Bostyn and Anna from his car

"I'm getting them one for Christmas, so they can play outside when we can't go to the park" Fawn says with a smirk

After Kevin tucks the girls in he helpsFawn set the table and carve the turkey once it was done being in the oven

"Here's to our first Thanksgiving with three girls" he says as he raises a glass of wine

"I'll drink to that" she says as they clink their glasses together


Bostyn and Anna were surprised when they saw how the table was set from the first time they trued turkey

"Mommy and daddy tried really hard to make it feel like Thanksgiving" he says as he lifts the girls up and into the seats

Fawn wanted to say grace before they ate, and the girls ate everything that was placed in front of them

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Happy Thanksgiving everyone

Christmas chapters will go next week or the week after for sure cause i am going to work on them in Bolivar today

Pulled from the fire by Kevin and Fawn Mchale wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now