When Sakura Cake Is... Part 1

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Sakura Cake asked her mother, Kika, to come with her to see the full moon. Everyone saw the full moon. At 11:00 pm, Sakura had to go to sleep. The next day, Sakura didn't feel well. She asked Kika if she can go to school. Her mother said, no. Sakura was excited because it was her first day off! But, Kika said to Sakura, "You must stay in bed, because if you don't, then you will get more sick." Her dad, Jean, gave her chicken noodle soup and medicine. Then, she had to rest until the next day. Sakura felt a little better after she got some rest. Jean took Sakura to the pharmacy to find some medicine called "Dioxide- Stomach ache" She asked the pharmacist, Elaine Garden, if there was some more medicine so she pointed to the one that Sakura wanted. She said there was one more left. "Oh No!" Said Sakura "The school band is tomorrow and I'm sick!" Okay, I know sweetie, but you have to stay in bed. Said Jean. Your dad is right. Said Kika. You need to stay in bed. But mom, please its tomorrow. I want to bring my guitar and my ukulele so I can sing a song, please mom!? Said Sakura. Okay. Said Kika. But, I will pick you up early. Okay, mom. Said Sakura. The next day, Sakura felt nauseous and drowsy. She didn't pay attention to the lesson and didn't sleep last night. Why didn't Sakura sleep? She needed to practice all night to make sure she didn't misplayed the song wrong. But when she was in front of the audience, she felt really nauseous to sing in front of the audience. Can she sing or not?

To Be Continued...

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