When Sakura Cake Is... Part 2

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When Sakura was on stage, she felt really nauseous to sing in front of the audience. When she was about to sing, she asked Ms. Prickles that she needed to go home early so that she was not gonna sing. Ms. Prickles said "Okay, Sakura, come to the office to see Mrs. Flowers." "Okay" Said Sakura. When she left home, she felt really sad so she made a piano song about herself. The
n, Sakura asked her mother, Kika, that her b-day is tomorrow so she wanted to stay at home. Kika said " Okay, Sakura, but this will be a healthy b-day." Sakura said" Okay!" When Sakura Cake was walking, the "shsiakjxhejek". That means Ninja Karate in a different language. "Let's go to Ninja Karate. Said Sakura. That is slacking when Sakura walked right in front of Yoko. Oh, hi, Yoko! Said Sakura. Hi Sakura! Said Yoko. When Sakura Cake said something in Japanese that means "Hello, My name is Sakura Cake." This is how Sakura said it,"海鸥啦, 没有 那么 爱上 洒枯荣啊 擦可以!Their ninja karate teacher, Suki Sushi. "okay, everyone lets fight each other!" 毕业, 俄v而啊 ! Said Suki in Japanese. Jean always say, "题目 啊 干呕i奶粉 日光 毕业! That means "Time goes fast!'

The End of Part 2!

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