Hello Bellrose College

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Usually people are overwhelmingly nervous, excited or both when their on their way to 

college. Four years of high school finally through, no more cliques, no more gross lunches and

 no more gym. I should be doing mental cartwheels right about now but instead all I feel is motion 

sickness as the car continues to hum under me. "MOM this is my first day of college and I have a

 car why are you driving me?!?!" "I am driving you because after today I will not see you until 

thanksgiving!" "But...what about my car?" "Your brother will drive it to the student lot, don't 

worry". My brother Eric is nineteen and is in his sophomore year of college. He can be your 

average dumb player  but he is responsible when it counts (Thank God) "Fine". We finally pull up

 to the Charlton rose bricked school. It is freaking beautiful ..... and enormous. 

The entrance has a black staircase leading to a door with two Greek style pillars on each side 

and the school itself looks like a castle. There are light posts and benches surrounding different

 parts of the front of the school making it look even more exquisite. The front of the school has 

an amazing white stoned water fountain with roses surrounding it in a circle just like the 

brochure. The day has finally come.... I can't wait to start. 

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