chapter 2

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as i pulled into the parking lot of my school, i immediately wanted to turn my car around.

but i couldn't. then everyone would just think i'm a coward.

i parked and grabbed my bag. i heard a few people calling my name, but i just ignored them and kept walking. i clutched the straps of my backpack and walked down the hallways, ignoring all of the questionable glares i got.

"mai! hey, wait up!!" i heard a deep voice from behind me say.

i turned around. "i'm not in the mood, chase," i said, as i watched him stumble through people to get to me.

"what? why? what happened?" he asked, when he finally made his way to me.

"nothing." i looked at the floor. "i don't want to talk about it."

"c'mon, you know you can tell me anything," he said, and tried to grab my hand, but i pulled it away from him.

a group of about 7 girls walked by and saw me and snickered.

chase saw them, by ignored them and looked at me. he raised his eyebrows. "well?"

"i told you i don't want to talk about it."

"tell me," chase said, "now." he gave me a serious glare. "you're making me worried, mai. was there an accident? drama? another boy?"

i shook my head.


hearing his name made my heart stop. i looked at the floor again.

"it's about pierce. what happened?"

i looked up. he didn't know?


"mai!! mai!!" i heard my name from across the hallway.

i turned and saw my three best friends, aubrey, emmy, and chloe running toward me.

"are you ok?" emmy asked, when they reached me. "we heard about the news."

chase looked at them, then at me.

"seems everyone has, except me," he said, then walked off.

chloe watched him. "you didn't tell him?"

"just because he's my boyfriend doesn't mean i have to tell him everything."

"yes you do," aubrey said. "especially if it has to do with your ex."

i shook my head. "i don't want to talk about it right now."

suddenly, my stomach felt queasy. i started to gag.

"guys, i think i'm sick," i said.

chloe took one look at my face. "guys, we need to take her to the bathroom. i think she's going to throw up."

aubrey nodded and helped me walk there. chloe and emmy followed. we reached just in enough time for me to make it to the toilet and throw up into it. chloe held my hair back and aubrey pat my back, and emmy stood by the stall door and gagged.

"guys," i said quietly, "can we skip today?"

"your mom will kill you-"

"i don't care," i said. "i cant stay here."

emmy nodded. "i agree. she looks like she's about to die."

"don't be over dramatic, emmy," chloe said.

"let's just go." aubrey helped me out the bathroom stall and held the door open for me when we reached her car.

i lay my head on emmy's lap, and aubrey and chloe got in the front.

"let's go," she said, and started her car.

today had started off great.

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