chapter 3

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"where do you want to go?" aubrey asked from the drivers seat.

"anywhere but here," i said.

"the mall?" chloe suggested.

i shook my head.

"out to eat?" emmy asked.

i shook my head again.

"why did you say 'anywhere but here' if you were just going to disagree with everywhere we

i shrugged my shoulders. "can we just go to aubrey's place? or anyone's place?"

"can't. my mom's off work."

"mine too."

"my house is a disaster."

"we're going to the mall," emmy said. "maybe we'll find some cute boys there."

"boys that are skipping school? no thank you," aubrey said.

"i'm not in the mood to cheat on chase," i said quietly.

i saw everyone look at each other. they all sighed.

"mai, you realize you can do much better than chase, right?" aubrey asked.

i lifted my head up.

"i mean, pierce was better than chase was," said chloe.

my stomach felt horrible again. "i thought we weren't going to talk about pierce."

"i'm just saying."

i lay back down. "i didn't bring any money though."

"i got you babe," emmy said, and looked out the window. "how about i make you a deal?"

"and what's that?" i asked.

"you get yourself a little boyfriend at the mall today, and i'll let you get anything you want from anywhere. on me," emmy said.

"what?" i asked. "i just said i'm not going to cheat on chase!"

"then break up with him. text him."

"no. i like him. why would i want to break up with him? and why are you so desperate to get me a different boyfriend than chase, anyway?"

"because, mai. do you want stuff at the mall or not?"

i thought about it. there were some cool jeans i had seen at sears that i wanted.

"fine," i agreed. "but i'm not breaking up with chase. i'll just...break up with the new guy the next day."

i heard everyone snicker.

"whatever you say, babe."

why were they making me do this?


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2018 ⏰

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