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Chapter 1

I wake up, another day in 7th grade . I glance at the clock, 6:00 I groaned and got out of bed. I grabbed my school ID

name: Blace

grade: 7

  the picture shows a blond boy with curly hair, blue eyes behind glasses. Me. I started my pancakes, my mom and dad sat down with me. Then, I walk to the bus stop. I'm waiting with a few kids whom  never know when their names. I get on the bus, the bus to school. Ugh, school. Its's not that I don't like school, I'm plenty smart and I'm not bragging, I know because people at school tease me about it. I try not to show my smartness but, it's just hard. I get to school. Kids push me, call me names as I walk past. I walked into my science classroom. Mr hell is pretty awesome. Then, Mr Hill walked right up to me. Blake he says, have you heard of the pop quiz competition coming up? He hands me a flyer. The flyer says: pop quiz! Test your skills in all subjects! Sign up now in Mr Hills class. In every class  the teachers said the same thing. They all want me to join this thing! But everyone will tease me! They'll say that I'm showing off! When my last teacher, miss Becky asked me, I yelled, "I can't!" Everyone stared at me. At least consider it. She said. I stuff  the Flyers into my backpack and go home, there's no way I'm doing this, but of course things always go wrong. I didn't know it, but that competition was very important.

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