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People were chatting all around me. They had all done this before. This, was my first time. Yes I was pretty smart. But I didn't want to be, I was always afraid of showing off. So I'd never done this in my life. Luckily, I have a good brain for paying attention during school and remembering things. People always call me a show off and a smarty pants when I was young. But no, I am NOT a show off, I am NOT a smarty pants. I don't do this for the fame, I never wanted to. Today it was just about working for my peers. And being myself. I've never gotten the chance to really be myself, but today this is who I really am. Sure, people in the crowd were calling me names. But that didn't matter today. Today I was going to win this competition. Because that is Who I am. Yes I am a smart kid, but that does not mean that I show off, or brag, or claim that I am smarter than anyone else. I can be who I want. Anyone can be who they want and they shouldn't have to worry about judgment. Judgement, doesn't matter. Because they are judging you on how you look, on how you sound, on things that don't matter. What matters is who you are, who you really are. Maybe this pop quiz has taught me something. Something about my life, something that I should know. When they called us up on stage, I wasn't nervous anymore. I was ready to go up there, and be Who I am.

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