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All the boys were excited to be at Six Flags cause they honestly enjoy it. We all got out the car and headed to the entrance where you check If you have any metal idems. After 5 minuets of checking threw the entrance we are finally in.

"Guys let's go on Superman!" Aaron yells, and that's what we did. The line for Superman was actually really short compared to the last time you went on. It was your turn to get on the ride, you had you,Taylor, Matt, and Cameron on your cart. And the rest of the boys behind you.

"All clear" the man in the neon shirt announced, and woosh your off. Flips and turns came your way. All you could do is yell your little heart out. The ride came to a slow stop. "How was your ride?" everyone that was on yelled and

clapped. We all exited the ride.

"Babe that looks like an infinity sign, that's how long I'll love you, to infinity and beyond❤️" Taylor whispered in your ear so none of the boys heard him.

Up next was Green Lantern, Nitro, Bizarro, Kingda Ka, and lastly we saved the best for last El Toro.

The line for El Toro is extremely long so we had Cameron work his magic by flirting with the girl who runs the lines and we got in the front of the line. (:

At this point we only had to wait a of minuets and we were already sitting down in the cart, once agin I sit next to Taylor. In a twist of a key and one push of a button we were off heading up the ride. You hold on to Taylor's arm laying your head on his shoulder cause you don't like the first drop and plus your neck hurts from Superman.

"Ahhh!" you scream. " Y/N it's ok I got you." Taylor explains. Up down, turn, turn that's all the ride was filled with.

We got off the ride and decided to leave the park and head home. I wanted Cameron to drive because I wanted to relax in the back with Taylor. You become tiered and tiered, the last thing you hear before you doze off is Goodnight Beautiful I love you😘

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2014 ⏰

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