Chapter Twenty-Two

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(Hey guys! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in such a long time! Ugh, I feel horrible!! Emily & I have just started summer vacation, so there is a higher possibility of us updating sooner. Thanks for the understanding! :))


After Diana basically kicked me out of her house, I really had nowhere else to go. I know that she probably thought that she was keeping me away from doing something or that maybe she thought that I didn't want to be with her, but I didn't want to be anywhere else. I just liked holding her for hours upon hours, just comforting her. It was honestly one of the best feelings in the world and I missed her all ready.

I was walking out of her house, and began walking towards my car. Once I opened the door, I climbed in and turned on the car. I waited for about five songs to play until I finally drove away. I decided that maybe I should call Matt and see what he was up to. It's not like I'm going to go back to my mom's house or anything. I don't think I'll be going back there for a couple weeks, maybe even a couple months. And honestly I don't think she cares if I leave for a year.

I swiftly begin to diall Matt while I'm at a stop sign. I put it on speaker and place my phone on my thigh so that way I'm able to drive and be on the phone. Matt answers the phone.

"Hey, Jared. What's up?" His raspy voice answers, almost as if I have woken him up, but it's one-thirty in the afternoon.

"Did I just wake you up?" I ask a bit judgemental.

"You missed a killer party last night, you should have came." He slurs into the phone. Of course he's wasting half of the day.

"No, I had more important things to do."

Like comfort Diana.

"Man, Roxy brought some weed, it was great." Who the hell is Roxy?

"Who the fuck is Roxy?"

"She's that chick with the blue hair that always hangs out with us. Ring any bells?"

To be completely honest I didn't pay attention to anyone who hung out with us. The only person's phone number I had on my phone that I hung out with at school was Matt. And I really just used him as a place to crash if my mom kicked me out or if I got pissed at her or some shit like that.

Of course I had Diana's number, but that was because she was my girlfriend and the only person I've ever really loved.

"I don't remember her."

Nor do I really need to.

"Well, if you come to the party tonight I'll point her out to you." He sighs into the phone.

"I don't really want to go to the party, man. I just want to sleep somewhere." I quickly turn onto the street.

"Okay, well come over now, sleep, and then come to the party. It's at my place, as usual." He grunts, most likely getting out of his bed.

"Doesn't your mom care about her house?" I sigh turning onto Matt's street.

"Not really, she's on a honeymoon with her sixth husband so.." I hear a door slam.

"Oh, I see. I'm almost at your house." I say while I'm only a couple houses down from his house.

"Okay, just come inside, the door should be open." I pulled up to his house.

"All right." I said, and hung up the phone.

I went up on the porch and opened the door. The only thing I could see were cups. There were cups everywhere. Red solo cups. It looked as if Matt hadn't even tried to clean up the house, which was most likely true. He wasn't really into the cleaning thing. I wonder who he would have clean up this terrible mess.

"Hey, Jared." Matt emerged from the bathroom.

"Matt." I acknowledged.

"So, if you want so sleep here..." Here we go, "you have to clean this mess. I'm not letting you crash here for free."

"I knew there was going to be a catch." I sigh.

"By the way there are a lot of condoms in one of the rooms upstairs, so.."

"Really Matt? How many parties have you had here that you haven't even cleaned up?" I asked, clearly pissed off.

"About six." He shrugs, grabbing an all ready opened water bottle off of the table.

"Six parties. Six. So there are six parties worth of condoms in this house?" I ask.

"Yeah, people got laid." He says casually.

The only thing that bugs me is what if any one of the people were like Diana, and didn't want it to happen.

"Do you know if anyone wasn't okay with 'getting laid'?" I question.

"I don't pay attention." He shrugs and walks over to the fridge to get something to eat, I assume.

"Well someone needs to." I raise my voice a little.

"Calm down, I'm sure nobody raped anyone." He says pulling out a box of leftovers.

"How do you know that? Someone could have raped someone in your house." I say walking close to him.

"I'm sure no one did that." He says pulling out a plate from the cupboard and dumping the leftovers on the plate.

"How would you know? You said you aren't paying attention." I raise my voice at him.

"Dude, chill. Since when did you care?" He says putting the plate in the microwave and pressing various buttons so it heats up the food.

"I've cared for a long time." I haven't started caring until I found out what that asshole did to Diana. And I wasn't there to save her. But he doesn't need to know that.

"Just go clean the damn house, Jared." He says pulling a beer out of the fridge.

I go upstairs and head to the bathroom to get all the cleaning supplies. I walk into one of the bedrooms and it's a complete mess. There are at least 10 condoms on the nightstands and the sheets are stained.

"Well this is going to be one hell of a night." I say to no one in particular.

I was sleeping in Matt's room when he started shaking me, "The party is about to start man! Get up!"

"I don't want to be at your dumb party." I said putting the pillow over my head.

"Well someone needs to pay attention, right?" He mimicked me.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be out in a minute." I said, sitting up from the bed.

I sat there for a couple minutes, just staring at the picture of Diana that was on my phone. I had taken it last night when she was just simply looking out the window, looking out at the stars. You can see the life drained out of her face, but somehow she still looks beautiful, the most captivating thing in the room, in the world even. She was just one of those people that you could just admire because she was her. Honestly, I could be with her for hours and never get bored of her.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Matt knocked on the door again, "Jared! Hurry up! What are you doing in there, jacking off?"

I laughed at his remark when he turned the doorknob and stood in the door way, "Nah, I have someone else to do that for me now."

He crinkled his eyebrows together, "And who is that?"

I smiled and shook my hair, "Diana Evans."

He smiled, "I'm happy for you bro, she's hot."

I smiled, I really didn't have anything else to say, she was, but she was also much, much more than that.

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