Jimin X Bangtan

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Requested by: xXhanfaXx
Little: Jimin
Caregiver: The rest of BTS

-Author's POV-
The comeback was coming closer and closer. The stress was getting to Jimin but he constantly rejected the idea of going into his Littlespace. He needed to go into it, he knows he does as he keeps almost slipping.

One evening, all of BTS were in the living room, watching some tv. Jimin sat a little bit away from them all on a separate couch, thinking about the comeback and wondering how it was all going to turn out. Jimin looked at the tv, only to see a advert for a toy that was really cute and fluffy. That, added with the amount of stress, made him slip. He could feel it happening. Just before he slipped into Littlespace, he ran out the room and into his bedroom, hiding under the covers as he finally went little.

Back in the living room, the rest of them were wondering what happened, trying to think of reasons why Jimin would just suddenly run into his room without warning. They all couldn't figure it out so they went to go ask him.

Taehyung was the one to knock on the door, worried about his fellow 95 liner. "Hyung? Are you okay?" He asks as he knocks again before just opening the door as it was his room as well.

They saw Jimin curled up under his blanket and they all cautiously walked towards him. Jimin slowly poked his head out and sits up, pulling himself out of the headspace. Seokjin was the first to break the silence.

"Do you care to explain what happened?" He asks in his calm and sweet voice. Jimin inhaled deeply before he starts to explain. He explained about Littlespace and how he is slightly ashamed of going into it. All the members understood.

They all got a idea and started to tickle him, trying to make him feel better. It was working and he eventually fell into Littlespace and all the members were all cooing over him, telling him how cute and adorable he was. From now on, Jimin felt much more safe and less ashamed of going into the headspace. He would go in it much more often without rejecting the idea and it helped him a lot. Jimin was thankful towards his fellow members because without them, he would have had to struggle on his own, continuing to be ashamed of it which he no longer is.

Hope you enjoyed
(417 words)

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