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I didn't want to leave Vic, I really didn't. The look of sadness and worry in his eyes was honestly really getting to me. He shouldn't be getting punished because he's new or even a little different. But then again, that's what life is like at this shitty school, no-one cares about bullying not even the teachers. I sighed at the thought said my goodbye's to Vic, kissed him one last time - god I don't think I'd ever get used to kissing him his lips were so perfect - and then I left. I told Vic I had to be home before my dad wakes up for work, which isn't a total lie I did have to be home before he got up, but he wasn't getting up for work more like going to the pub. I thought about Vic all the way home and although it wasn't a long walk I enjoyed thinking about him. I stopped outside my own house, it wasn't really much to look at but it was all we could afford, well I could afford; my asshole dad took all the money out of a savings account my mum had kept for me since before I was born and used half of it to buy this house and he's been drinking the other half down the pub for the last few years, God I wish my mum was still here. I rolled my eyes at the thought of my mum, she abandoned me and left me with this evil father, if she loved me like she claimed she did she would of taken me with her! I shook all the thoughts out of my head and walked through the front door. The house was quiet, really, really quiet. I thought I'd have time to run into my room but those thoughts where shattered when I heard my dad storming down the hallway, he got to where I was standing looked me in the eyes and started shouting

"Where the fuck have you been?" Oh great, he's already drunk this isn't going to end well.

"School" I replied back, I said in a quiet voice.

"SCHOOL EH? YOU'RE A LITTLE LIAR, YOUR SCHOOL PHONED TO LET ME KNOW THAT YOU HAD LEFT! SO I'LL ASK YOU AGAIN, WHERE THE FUCK WHERE YOU?" There was absolutely no way I could tell my dad I spent the afternoon at another guys house, I think he would kill me on the spot. "Eh, I went to the library got a project due in soon and I needed to do some research.." I lied. I couldn't tell what my dad was thinking he had no expression on his face. He came a little closer to my face and I thought he was going to shout at me some more, but instead I felt the agonising pain of a punch hitting my stomach, and then another and another. I fell to the floor, holding my screams of pain in through gritted teeth, I wasn't letting this bastard know how much he was hurting me. He was screaming at me now too, while he kept attacking my body with his fists and feet, it was the usual stuff I'd heard my whole life "YOU'RE NOTHING TO ME", "I WISH YOU WOULD DIE", "YOU'RE WORTHLESS" oh and my personal favourite " YOU RUINED MY LIFE, YOU DESERVE ALL OF THOS". Once he had gotten all of his anger out, I crawled to my room, took off my clothes and climbed into bed and just started sobbing, I know what he said isn't true, I don't deserve what he does to me but it doesn't hurt any less when he says it. I think, his words hurt more than his punches. I lay in bed, trying to think of anything but what just happened, soon enough I was thinking of Vic. Tears were still betraying me and escaping from my tired eyes, but I brushed them away closed my eyes and dreamt of Vic.


Kellin left in a bit of a hurry, he said something about having to be home before his dad woke up for work, but he didn't look so sure of himself and that worried me, no more than five minutes ago he seemed so sure that no-one would ever hurt us, but now here he is getting ready to leave and he looks terrified. I couldn't make him stay though, so I walked him to the door kissed him and then watched him walk down my front path. I let out a breath I didn't even realise I was holding when I shut the door, I made my way back to my couch and sat there thinking about everything that had happened today,firstly someone thought it would be funny to humiliate me in front of the whole school, then I get beat up pretty badly then kells comes to my house and kisses me I stopped on that thought, why did he kiss me? Does that mean he likes me? Are we in a relationship now? I had so many questions running through my head that I needed answers for so with all the questions stuck in my head I put a clean shirt on found my keys and headed to Kellin house, I didn't know which one was his all I know is he said he stayed a few doors down I got to the third house away from mine and started walking up the path, I was about to chap on the door when I heard shouting and what sounded like someone being in a lot of pain, I peered through the glass in the front door and my heart dropped, Kellin was lying on the floor covered in blood with his -well I presume- dad shouting at him calling him worthless. I really wanted to burst in there and start shouting at his dad to stop, but I couldn't, that would only make things worse for Kellin when I wasn't there. I ran back home, and straight up to my room I hadn't even noticed my little brother was home from school until I heard him shouting up the stairs, ignored him and locked my door. I went over to my desk and pulled out a little box that had all my blades in it, I picked up the sharpest, placed the box back into its little hiding place, sat on my bed and started slicing the blade up and down my arm and wrist. I didn't do this because I wanted do die, no, I did it because it was all my fault Kellin was getting into trouble and getting hit. I came home, and he came to make sure I was okay. If I had just stayed in school none of this would of happened, I must have made about 30 cuts and as the blood started running down my arm that's when I stopped, I covered my cuts up pulled on a T-shirt shoved my earphones in and closed my eyes, I knew I wouldn't be able to go to sleep because I would be worrying about Kellin and my whole body still hurt, but at least for a little while I could drown out the world and the pain with music..


I came home from school and Vic wasn't home, I checked everywhere. I seen what happened to him in the cafeteria, but I figured Vic's a strong guy and could defend himself so I just left it, I really thought he'd be home by now though, as soon as I thought that I heard the front door slam shut and saw Vic running to his room, I only caught a glimpse of his face as he ran up the stairs but I noticed the cuts and the fresh bruising forming on his face and I shouted up to him, asking what had happened, he ignored me, of course he did, he always does when something like this happens. Honesty the protective big brother act is really getting old. I ran after him, nearly tripping up the stairs but I stopped when I got to his room door, I could hear him.. Crying? No, Vic doesn't cry, I can say in all my life I've only ever seen him cry once and that was because.. My train of thought got interrupted as I pushed open his bedroom door a little. I had to physically stop myself from going in and punching him myself.. I turned away from the door and headed to my room, I just witnessed my big brother hurting himself and I swear I'll do anything to find out why.

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