Beyond Repair

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I was crying my heart out the day you left me.
You left me broken.
You left me empty.
You left me dead.
You took everything away from me.
My love.
My pride.
My dignity.
You stripped me off my self-respect.
Leaving me naked to the world.
Showing them the fool I was.
Showing them the pain I had.
I was hurt.
I was in hell.
I had wanted to kill myself.
I had wanted to hurt myself.
Just to show what you did to me.
To make you notice.
To make you feel guilty.
Just so you would come back to me.
Three nights?  Three weeks? Or was it months already?
I didn’t know.
I felt so lost.
I was too busy crying.
Seeing nothing.
I was blind, deaf and numb from everything.
Are you happy now?
Did you ever love me?
Are you even human?
I hate you, you know.
For making me love you so much.
And then leaving me…
You’re a monster.


Oh Hi!
Remember me?!
The one you killed four years ago?
Ha ha of course I’m just kidding!
I’m talking to you right now, ain’t I?
But really, I nearly killed myself.
Over you.
Can you believe that? Just for you!
I couldn’t believe it either.
I must be the most stupid person back then.
Lucky, you see the light first and run fast.
Faster than the Flash.
Leaving me lifeless as a doll.
But- whoop! That was close
I had you to thank for that
That now I live a better life

Ah whatever!
I can’t see clearly now, you see.
Nearly gone blind from crying for you before.
You should be glad I’m still alive, you know.
Else, I had you drag down with me in hell.
Ah, wait, isn’t that were you came from? I forgot.
Oh! I think I gotta go now.
Still have to go in the hospital.
No no no, I’m fine.
Just needed to disinfect myself from meeting you.
Who knows what diseases I may get, they’re widely spread nowadays.
I met you here, see?
Ah, really have to go.
Bye now!

Sentiments of MadnessOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant