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"Cora, get your fat ass up, it's a Monday! Time for school and you to do that stupid maths test of yours," Lucas yells when he jumps on me. I groan and roll over.

"I need backup!" he yells so Archie and Micheal run into the room.

They all jump on me giggling and I smile. Got to love living in a house with a bunch of boys.

"Fine, fine. I'm getting up," I say and sit up to see my three younger brothers sitting at the end of the bed.

"Morning, sissy," says Archie and I give him and Micheal a hug.

"Morning, you little monsters," Archie giggles.

I look over at Micheal and notice his hearing aids aren't in. I sign 'good morning' to him and he smiles signing it back.

"Can you cook us some breakfast?" asks Lucas.

"No. I need to have a shower and then get ready for school. You cook it."

Lucas rolls his eyes. He hates cooking breakfast but he knows I take forever to get ready.

"Fine," he groans and walks out of the room

"Archie, make sure he doesn't burn down the place. Okay?"

"Okay," he excitingly gets off the bed and runs after Lucas. Micheal then gets off the bed too and runs off.

"Lucas, tell Micheal to wake up Derek for me, please!" I yell after them and then I hear a knock on a door in the distance. Good.

I go into my room and have a shower. I get changed into a cropped black top and some ripped jeans.

I quickly blow dry my hair and put it into two braids. I make sure my necklace is around my neck and then run downstairs where I can hear Archie and Lucas arguing.

"What's going on?" I ask walking in.

Archie is standing on the table with a piece of toast in his hand and Lucas is yelling at him to get down while he is cooking something over the stove.

Meanwhile, Micheal is just sitting at the head of the table eating a bowl of cereal reading Grimsdon. His hearing aids are sitting on the table in front of him.

He clearly is sick of hearing them argue.

"Archie won't get down," Lucas sounds annoyed when he looks over at me.

"Archie, get down and stop annoying your brother."

Archie immediately gets down off the table and sits down on a chair. Lucas grunts in frustration and goes back to his cooking.

"Apologise to Lucas," I say in a stern voice.

"I'm sorry, Luci (pronounced Lukey)," Archie says in a sad tone and Lucas nods in return.

Archie looks up at me with a sad look in his eyes. He hates me telling him off as much as I hate doing it. However, Mum isn't here to teach him proper manners so I have to be the one to do it. 

"Good. Now what's for breakfast?" I walk over to Lucas and see he is cooking bacon and eggs. I grab some plates and place them down on the table.

I grab the two plates full of the eggs and bacon and place them on the table as Lucas comes over. I make some coffee for me and Lucas. I also make a take away coffee for Derek because it is seven forty and Derek starts work at eight.

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