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Once the bell rings for the end of school I head to my locker and grab my soccer gear. I walk towards the bathroom so I can get changed before heading to training.

On my way to the bathroom I accidentally bump into Josh. Crap

"Oh, hey Cora," he says and I smile up at him.

"Hey, Josh. I just wanted to say that I don't know what Hazel wrote on your note but if it hurt your feelings in any way, I'm really sorry," I say and he looks at me confused.

"Jaxon," I say correcting myself, "I don't know what Jaxon wrote on your note."

"You call him Hazel? I guess that makes sense now," I wonder what he means by that, "But nah, it's chill. He just corrected what I said, and he wasn't wrong by doing so," he says looking at me with a soft glimmer in his eyes.

He has such nice eyes. A beautiful green. We stay silent for a moment before he speaks again.

"I actually have the note here. I don't know why I kept it but you can have it, if you want?"

He pulls the note out of his pocket and hands it to me.

"Oh, thanks," I say reaching out to take it and he nods his head.

Our hands accidentally touch and we both look at each other for a second holding eye contact. I could stare into his eyes forever, if I'm being completely honest.

"Your eyes are pretty," he says letting go of the note and I accidentally drop it. Cheese and crackers.

"Oh. Um, thanks. So are yours," I say bending down to pick it up, "Greens actually my favourite colour," I say and mentally slap my forehead before standing back up.

Lord, if you could please just take me now that would be greatly appreciated.

"That's good to know. Blue's mine," I have blue eyes. I can feel my face heating up. Please don't embarrass yourself.

"Oh, cool." I say then it goes quiet. I mentally slap my forehead. Why am I so awkward?

I should definitely walk away cause I'm pretty sure the conversation is over. Also, I have training to get to. I'm about to say bye before Josh speaks first.

"About the note," Josh starts and I look down at it, "the offer still stands."

I look back up at him and smile.

"I actually have training to get to so I'll have to rain check you on that," I say and he nods his head.

"Okay, well, I could give you my number and we can plan a date," he says and his eyes widen a little.

"I mean, uh...not like a date date. Unless, of course, you want it to be but like I..um..what am I saying?"

I laugh and take out my phone.

"I would love to get your number," I say handing him my phone.

"Yeah," he clears his throat, "Um, cool."

He puts his number in my phone and hands it back to me. I tell him I'll text him later and then we both go our separate ways.

I almost completely forget about the note until I get into the bathroom and put my bag down. I accidentally drop it again and it lays on the floor open.

I pick it up and it reads...

'You look good today. Want to go out sometime?


Nice try, buddy. She looks good everyday.

I stare at the note for a second processing what it says.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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