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I was walking down the street when I felt my scroll buzz it was Burgundy she sent me a message saying that I had a job to act as a body guard and escort someone to the shipping docks 

Kageko: I bet it's a crazy guy 

You: and that's why I hate bodyguard work half the time they're nuts

I went to the address and all of the windows were painted black I knocked on the door and said the code phrase 

You: most people your age are dead why aren't you 

The door flung open and a manic looking man in a lab coat with half of his head shaved and on the other side was long and shaggy he also had the opposite for his facial hair on the bald half was a large beard that looked like it had birds in it and the shaggy side of his face was clean cut 

Kageko: he looks like a mental case

Bones: I  doctor bones come on hurry let's fly you can fly right never trust cars they all have cameras in them they'll know where I am 

You: yes just hold onto your briefcase tight 

I grabbed the man and shot fire from my feet propelling myself upward I used my flames to fly us through the sky as fast as I could while this man was rambling like a lunatic it didn't take long to get to the docks he got onto a speed boat with a guy with an Afro wearing sunglasses and a black turtleneck then he handed me a credit card and a piece of paper 

Bones: all the moneys on the card and the papers the PIN number 

The boat started speeding off then it randomly exploded 

Kageko: did you do that 

You: no but I think flying shook up whatever was in that briefcase but it doesn't matter we still got the cash 

I started walking again then I bumped into someone while I was talking to Kageko I looked and it was the girl from last night the one in the cape

You: oh I'm sorry are you alright 

Ruby: it's you again we were looking for you 

Weiss: Ruby be careful he's dangerous 

You: only when I'm paid to be 

Weiss: so you're nothing more then an attack dog 

Blake: Weiss stop

Weiss: no he's the type to kill without a second thought 

You: I've never killed anyone 

Kageko: damn she's annoying 

Weiss: yes you have those three men last night 

You: they had bounty's on their heads I captured them

Yang: but how did they disappear 

You: my friend took them look what do you four want 

Ruby: we want you to come to beacon and become a huntsman 

You: no I know where I belong I'm part of the smiling chimera company and that's for life 

Weiss: yes a group of killers 

You: you don't know what you're talking about 

Weiss: I know that you killed people and destroyed your village 

Blake: Weiss stop 

You: I didn't do that it was Kageko 

Kageko: she's really annoying me 

Weiss: so what he lost his girlfriend who probably didn't care about him and that's his excuse for being a monster killing people 

I felt Kageko getting angry and my control slipping I saw my arm start changing and then we swapped places my body changed and I could see it from the outside 


Ruby: f-f/n 

Kageko: I am Kageko and I'm pissed off now

You: Kageko stop 

Kageko: quiet f/n I refuse to let anyone insult my magenta 

I saw them draw their weapons I kept trying to force myself back into control but it wasn't working then the girl who pissed of Kageko darted forward at us but her blade just broke on our skin then Kageko punched her in the gut then tossed her 

Kageko: I will destroy any and all in my way 

You: Kageko stop

Kageko: shut it f/n I'm pissed 

He held his hand out and a ball of fire appeared then a tornado of paper appeared around us I realised that it was eclipse then I saw multiple talismans wrap around our body and our body stopped moving the fire went out i realised that they were Burgundy's sleep talismans I quickly took control because I realised that Kageko might be a sleep or at least incapacitated for the moment I managed to retake my body but I still couldn't move but I saw eclipse he grabbed me and we left and landed on a roof 

Eclipse: damn it's a good thing I wanted to say goodbye to you or see if you wanted a lift back to base hell even luckier that I got domino to make me some copies or Kageko could have roasted those girls it's just occurred to me I may have gone overboard with the talismans because I'm pretty sure that you won't be able to move for a while 

Ruby POV

I had no clue what just happened f/n turned into that thing then hit Weiss and was yelling for f/n to shut up then there was loads of paper then f/n was gone oh Weiss we went up to Weiss who was on the ground holding her stomach 

Ruby: Weiss are you alright 

Weiss: I-I'll be f-fine 

Yang: well you can officially say that you pissed off a god

Weiss: me what did I do

Blake: you were very antagonistic towards him 

Weiss: that's because he's a criminal 

Blake: technically he isn't the group he's a part of works outside the law with no ramifications so if anything he's a bounty hunter and a bodyguard 

Ruby: who will never join us

Emerald POV 

Emerald: now Neo where can we find this guy 

I looked at her and she shrugged her shoulders 

Emerald: well that's real helpful what does he look like

She started typing on her scroll 

Neo: cute 

Emerald: this is gonna be a long night 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2018 ⏰

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