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Louis dreamed at Harry all night. Those green eyes and those plump lips, they haunted him; in the very best way. Louis hopped on the bus and Liam waved him over to where he sat. "So?!" Liam screeched as Louis took hi seat next to Liam, swinging off his backpack.

"Liam, he was there!" Louis began, unable to keep the excitement from his voice. "We were in the same car and he sat right in front of me and he spoke, Liam. I heard his voice and it's so deep and slow and wow." Louis feel back into the chair and sighed dramatically.

The bus pulled up to school and it seems they were early today. Liam and Louis collected what they needed from their lockers and set off to find Niall.


Walking into the cafeteria, there were a few students there waiting before class. And Niall was in fact in the cafeteria, though he was sitting with his brother and his friends. Which of course meant Harry.

"Oh my god, Liam. Niall's over there. With Harry. What do we do?! Do we go over? Do we leave him alone? Help me!" Louis was shaking Liam's shoulders and the boy felt a little dizzy. "Louis. You need to calm down." The two of them stopped and looked at one another. It was usually Louis telling Liam to calm down, so this something that never happened for them. "We are going to walk over, so Niall knows we're here. And then we will probably go do our own thing with Niall. Its no. Big. deal." Liam stated and Louis just took a deep breath and swallowed.

Liam was right. No big deal. They probably wouldn't even talk. He gave Liam a nod of approval and they slowly walked over to the group. Liam tapped Niall's shoulder and he spun around, smiling. "Hey boys, you're here early?" he asked and they just nodded. "Yeah the bus got here early" Liam shrugged. "Oh man, I used to hate catching the bus" Zayn smiled at Liam who smiled back, but Louis didn't miss the pink tint that crawled across his cheek.

Liam and Zayn started talking and Louis was internally choking Liam. "'no big deal' he said. 'we'll be there and back in no time' he said" Louis mumbled under his breath. "Do you often talk to yourself?" A voice interrupted him and he turned to Harry who was smirking with that dimple concaved into his perfectly carved cheek.

"Well there ain't no one better to talk to" Louis gave an over exaggerated wink and Harry let out a laugh. He actually laughed; and Louis caused it. His laugh was like a high pitched duck. He quickly covered his mouth with both hands in embarrassment. Louis chuckled at the sound and his heart melted. Harry's cheeks flushes pink and Louis smiled at him.

And just as Louis was about to open his mouth to speak, the bell rang. 'why do bad things happen to good people' he thought and noticed Harry walking away. "Urgh, I hope I didn't just ruin things." He muttered to himself.


For the rest of the day Louis continued to kick himself and over-thought the whole situation. Should he had said anything? She he had said something else? Should he have lost the wink? Maybe Harry didn't know the wink was a joke. Great. Now he probably thinks Louis is the biggest weirdo ever.

Niall was waiting outside for him just like yesterday. And this time Louis was the one dragging him over to the car. "Way to be obvious, Lou." Niall rolled his eyes. And they reached the car and realised the other three were already there, Zayn and Greg in the back seat, and Harry sitting at the far end. "Quick boys, I'm in a rush" Maura spoke from the drivers seat and Niall nudged Louis into the car so he was sitting in the middle between Harry and Niall.

His shoulder was touching Harry's and omg his feels like he's on fire. He was touching Harry Styles. He was frozen, he couldn't move. "So why are you two in the back anyway?" Niall asked, probably sensing the tension in the silent car. "Don’t know, mum told us to jump in so we did" Greg shrugged. "Oh you'll be fine, its not a long drive" Maura tutted.

Harry pulled out his phone and Louis was peering over his shoulder to try and see what he was doing, if he was texting someone else, but all he could see was what looked like an Instagram feed. He sighed, at least he's not talking to anyone. Or is he? Maybe he's texting someone through a different app? Please, god, please let him be single and available!

Louis was cut out of his thoughts when Zayn popped his head over the back seat to look at Harry's phone. "The way you post, one might be lead to believe that you think you're Instagram famous or something" Zayn's voice was sarcastic but you could tell he meant what he said. "You're just jealous because I've got more followers than you" Harry pouted and Louis was having a heart attack. How could a person be so cute and so sexy at the same time?!

"Well I don't give you permission to post that photo of me" Zayn huffed back, "Too bad! It's a good photo, and I'm posting it whether you like it or not" Harry smirked and Zayn was muttering to himself.

In that moment, Louis completely forgot about having push notifications turn for Harry turned on. So when Harry posted the picture, and Louis' phone went off, the car went silent. Louis' eyes shot open, they were wider than they'd ever been, he was frozen in his seat. This couldn't be happening. He went so red and hot he thought he might explode. He was dying. He was literally dying. He didn't even have time to write a will.

Harry turned to Louis, and he thought the older lad was going to have a go at him for being a creepy stalker. But much to his surprise, Harry grew a wide smile and that bloody dimple popped out. Louis felt personally attacked by that dimple. "You’re an Ed Sheeran fan too?!" Harry asked, his voice filled with excitement. He held his phone up to Louis to show a notification he'd just got from Ed posting.

Louis let go of the breath he didn't realise he'd been holding in. He wasn't a huge fan, until now, when the redhead lyrical genius just saved his life! "Y-yeah, I am" Louis was still in shock. The situation was all too much for him, but he's glad it didn't have the outcome he'd expected.

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