15- Features and Fathers

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"You've gotten better," Sif smiles down at me. I am currently pinned under her sword, trying not to move my head in a way that would get my throat slit. "But you still get too distracted." As she steps away, I roll to my feet.

"I don't think it's that, it's just... I'm not good with swords. I like things that let me move quicker." Sif rolls her eyes.

"Don't use that as an excuse. What if the only weapon you could get your hands on was a sword?"

"Then I'd use magic."

"You have magic-restraining cuffs on your wrists."

"Then I'd contact my Second to help me."

"She's dead."

"Aaaaagh! I don't know, Sif. All I do know is that I hate swords. I'd much prefer my staff or daggers."

From the edge of the training grounds, Thor and the Warriors Three were watching, along with some other soldiers of Asgard. I swear I see Fandral laughing, but at my glare, he stops, pressing a fist to his mouth.

"One more go." Sif encourages, handing me my sword. It was black, matching my armor that Charlotte had given me. She told me that it came with a sword, even though she knew I wouldn't use it much.

"Thor, do I have to?" I call over to the fair-headed god. He smiles my way.

"You finish this training bout, and I'll see that your request is granted." The others send him questioning looks his way, but I nod, satisfied. As I face Sif, I center my balance, gripping my sword in both hands.

We both stand there for a second, each waiting for the other to make the first movement. I grit my teeth narrowing my eyes, trying to make my vision focus, as I had taken off my glasses so they wouldn't get broken.

There! I see that Sif is slightly favoring her right leg. I move quickly, using a backhand swing, aiming for the heel of her left foot. Her sword flashes out, parrying my blow, sending a loud clanging through the clearing. I step back, readying myself again. This time, Sif moves first. I block her overhead swing, bracing my sword with both hands. Then Sif steps forward, sliding her arm to lock our blades at the hilts. With a twist, she looses my sword, knocking me to my knees as she does, and it goes clattering to the ground.

I stand back, frowning and irritated that I lost another bout. Suddenly, a flash of silver catches my eye, and I look up in time to see Sif's blade bearing down on me, her eyes flashing a venom green color. With a shout of fear, I throw my hands up.

As Sif's blade makes contact with my hands, a rush of power rushes from me, darkening the clearing momentarily. Sif is thrown backward, her sword clattering free from her grip.

As the clearing lightens again, and the dust begins to settle, there is silence. My hands are still above y head, palms put, on top of each other. Power sings through my veins, and I am waiting for the next attack. Sif isn't moving from where she had landed.

Cursing, I rush to her side, multiple emotions flooding through me. Thor and the others are approaching too.

"What was that? Sif knew you were beaten. If you hadn't blocked that blow, you would have been seriously injured." Hogun says, kneeling beside me. I shake my head slowly, checking her pulse.

"She's just unconscious," I announce. "But... there is something weird. Thor, do you sense that?" Thor comes closer.

"Yes... I feel it... I just can't pin down what it is."

The Ice Inside Your Soul- A Loki Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now