22- Hardships and Hormones

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"I... I'm not quite sure how to explain this..." I mutter, looking down at my hands.

Morgan Careen, the mother of my... late best friend Alice, takes my hand. Her skin is weathered with age, and thin and fragile. Just like her feelings.

"Amber, we've known you for ages. You can tell us what you need too."

"It's... it's about Alice."

"Oh, yes. We haven't heard from her in a few days." Jonathan, Alice's father, says. "Have you heard from her?"

"Well... um..." I look up to where Loki stands in the corner. To my surprise, his presence hadn't startled the old couple, despite him being the maniac who almost destroyed New York. Help me! I thought at Loki, feeling desperate. Loki only shook his head, his eyes sad. This is something you need to do.

He only revealed to me yesterday that he could read minds and put thoughts into other's heads. Typical.

I let out a heavy breath. "Mr. and Mrs. Careen, Alice is dead."

There is a moment of silence in which I want to sink to the floor. I close my eyes, so as to not see their expressions.

"...What?" Morgan's voice is barely a whisper. "What?"

My throat convulses. "It's... a long story. But in the end, she was killed to get back at me. I am so, so sorry. I wish I could have protected her. It's my fault, I know. And I wish you could forgive me. We... we are preparing her body to bring her here so she can be buried."

I can't bring myself to open my eyes. Suddenly, arms are around me, squeezing me so tightly, I almost cry out. When I open my eyes, Morgana is clinging to me like a drowning person to a life preserver. I Don't know what to do.

"I should have known..." Morgan whispers, surprising me. "I knew something had happened." I look up and make eye contact with Jonathan, who looks sad.

"How...?" I ask, pulling away from Morgan gently. I take her by the shoulders, searching her sorrowful face. Tears pool in her eyes.

"When it's your child, you just know. It's a feeling you get." She whispers. My heart clenches, and I nod once, trying to keep my tears in check.

With a small clearing of my throat, I get to my feet, not wanting to be in this situation any longer. I have Charlotte's funeral tonight and want to be able to prepare myself mentally.

Morgan gets to her feet quickly, grabbing my arm as if to keep me there. "How did she die, Amber? Did she suffer?"

I try to pull away gently, tears stinging the backs of my eyes once more. "I do not know. I can only hope."

Morgan's hands drop from me, and she breaks down sobbing. I sigh silently, closing my eyes. "I am sorry. I wish I could help."

I then open my eyes and exit the house as fast as I can, trying to flee the oppressive atmosphere. Loki follows quietly. We are preparing for Heimdall to take us up in the Bifrost, when the Warriors Three, accompanying Thor appear from the beam of light. The group is solemn, and with them is a wrapped figure. I know who it is.

"Let's leave," I whisper to Loki. "Please." Loki takes ahold of me, and we step into the Bifrost, leaving Midgard once more.

When the gold dome materializes, I step out of the light, shoulders slumped with an invisible burden. Loki's arm stays around my waist, and I am grateful for the support. Wearily, I greet the gatekeeper and then pass him to reach the horses waiting for us. There are a few left over from Thor and his friends' departure, but we ignore those for the horses assigned to Loki and me.

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