La Inizio

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I screamed and dove away from her as she charged with a blood thirsty cry, scrambling for the door in desperation and fear. Everyone was at class, so I knew I only had myself to rely on in this situation. I could hear her crashing steps as she raced after me, right as I leapt into the elevator, as I prayed the door would close in time. It finally closed, right as she swept a menacing claw at my face. It caught in the elevator as it descended, and I could hear anguished screams as her hand was ripped away from her malformed body. I kept as far away from it as I could, knowing that contact with her blood or saliva meant instant contamination if it got into my system.

It was then I heard relentless pounding on the steel above me, and I almost died in realization that she was trying to break through. I sprinted out of the elevator door as soon as they opened, right as the steel roof of the elevator was torn open. I bolted out the doors of the dormitory building, racing across the courtyard for Coach Elena's office in the gym, which I knew had a gun in the bottom drawer, as I'd been snooping around his office once looking for my phone, which he'd taken.

I shot into the campus building like a rocket, feeling the steaming breath of the demon behind me on my back. I started yelling like a maniac then, hoping someone would notice, as I wasn't sure how much longer I could run. Doors everywhere swung open, and the corridor was filled with screams as they realized what was charging at me.

I ignored them and burst through the gym doors as the demon behind me ripped the door to shreds, and it took all the effort in the world to keep from giving up. My body was screaming for rest, and I felt exhausted as I made my way to Coach Elena's office.

Then, at last, I'd made it. I tore into the room and instantly went for the bottom drawer of the cabinet, ripping it open as I slammed the door shut, knowing it would keep the monster away for long.

...The gun wasn't there.

There was no way out of the room. I was screwed. I did the only thing I could, and began barricading the door to keep it away for as long as humanly possible, while looking for a possible escape or hiding place. If I could make it for moments longer, the rugby team would have to be heading in soon. Someone had to notice. Someone had to come.

I said a silent prayer as I pushed filing cabinets towards the door, falling against one of them in exhaustion. I slowly started to accept my fate, feeling my body start to shut down on me. My mind was a mess, my eyesight beginning to blur as a feeling of nausea overcame me.

It was then a bullet passed only inches from my head through the door, followed by a monstrous scream and the sound of blood splattering on the walls. I was instantly filled with adrenaline all over again, diving onto the floor as I heard the door get thrown open.

There stood Coach Elena, holding the smoking gun as he looked down at me in surprise.

"What the hell!? Mrs. Antonelli, are you alright!?" He shouted, tearing through the filing cabinets to reach me. He pulled me off the ground and searched for any signs of contact with the infected on me. He sighed in relief when he realized I hadn't been touched, dragging me out of his office where the rest of the rugby team stood watching in shock and awe. I also saw my art class, along with everyone that worked the front office in the mornings, including Allistor.

"EVERYONE STAY BACK!" Coach screamed, right as people in hazmat suits ran into the gym as well, shouting orders as the grabbed Lorenza's body and dragged her away and began to clean the blood.

Coach cast a look to his rugby team, producing a loud shout as he pointed for the door.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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